Monday, July 2nd 2007

AMD denies all rumors of Phenom being delayed

AMD has recently denied the rumor that Phenom would be delayed. AMD says that they will have Phenom released during Q4 2007, despite motherboard manufacturers saying otherwise.

However, any Phenom launch before Q1 2008, according to AMD, will be a mere paper launch, not unlike the HD 2x00 series. Motherboard manufacturers claim that this delay is give AMD enough time to make enough Phenom processors for a heavy AMD fanbase. This is also a move designed to make Phenom more competitive with Penryn.
Source: Reg Hardware
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8 Comments on AMD denies all rumors of Phenom being delayed


So it will be launched in Q4 in spite of what mobo manufacturers are saying about it being launched in Q1 2008.

Oh yeah, but we won't have any for you until Q1 2008 though. Launch in 07, arrive in 08.... come on AMD... The "AMD Fan Base" is NOT happy. Where is our Core 2 Duo killer you promised!?! :mad: :banghead:
Posted on Reply
i'm happy with my 3500+ and more than ready to wait
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So it will be launched in Q4 in spite of what mobo manufacturers are saying about it being launched in Q1 2008.

Oh yeah, but we won't have any for you until Q1 2008 though. Launch in 07, arrive in 08.... come on AMD... The "AMD Fan Base" is NOT happy. Where is our Core 2 Duo killer you promised!?! :mad: :banghead:
I'm thinking it'll be like Unreal Tournament 2003.... "when it's done" :).

Of course, I also said that about R600. "When it's done" turned out to be "when it can tie/beat G80"....what a shame.
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ditto, i got my opty to see me till it gets released
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Bird of Prey
well, lets just hope this delay/nondelay is worth it. Im not looking for an intel killer. Im looking for an equal with some scores better in certain things (gaming/encoding) and perhaps less in others.
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a111087i'm happy with my 3500+ and more than ready to wait
seems like you'd be satisfied with anything ...
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As long as the chips are good at overclocking, then they will beat intels offerings, as thats the only way intel has the lead, via insane levels of overclocking, as stock chips for stock chip amd still bites chunks i believe
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zekrahminatorAMD has recently denied the rumor that Phenom would be delayed. AMD says that they will have Phenom released during Q4 2007, despite motherboard manufacturers saying otherwise.

However, any Phenom launch before Q1 2008, according to AMD, will be a mere paper launch, not unlike the HD 2x00 series. Motherboard manufacturers claim that this delay is give AMD enough time to make enough Phenom processors for a heavy AMD fanbase. This is also a move designed to make Phenom more competitive with Penryn.

Source: Reg Hardware
So in other words AMD have confirmed what motherboard manufacturers have said in that Phenom won't actually be launched until Q1 (and by launched I mean actually a launch not some paper launch that means nothing).
Posted on Reply
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