Monday, August 13th 2007

Total Nintendo Wii Sales Getting Close to Total Xbox 360 Sales

Despite the Microsoft Xbox 360 being sold over a year before the Nintendo Wii, the sales figures for both machines are getting closer all the time. A recent analysis shows that 10.1 million Wiis have been sold to date, while Microsoft sold 10.3 million Xbox 360s to date. The Xbox 360 got most of it's sales in America and PAL territories, while the Wii sold 3 million units in Japan, 4 million units in America, and 3 million in PAL territories. Sony sold 4.1 million PS3s to date, and all three consoles pale when compared to hand-held console sales. Nintendo has sold over 44 million Nintendo DS', and Sony has sold 22 million PSP's.
Source: Reg Hardware
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13 Comments on Total Nintendo Wii Sales Getting Close to Total Xbox 360 Sales

While having nothing against the Wii or the games, I am just not the least bit attracted to it :/

X360 is attractive because it came around 1 year earlier and has more games now, the PS3 has to catch up which it will, no doubt. Oh, and did I mention I am a Halo fanboy? So yes, x360 \o/

Thanks for the news zek, cause I don't look up sales numbers on purpose :)
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japan is crazy... the DS lite is *still* numero uno on the monthly sales charts there. Doesnt every single person in japan own at least one by now?
Posted on Reply
XooMjapan is crazy... the DS lite is *still* numero uno on the monthly sales charts there. Doesnt every single person in japan own at least one by now?
Every person in Japan has two....the normal and the lite. :nutkick:
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all of my cousins have a DS, and I know 3 of my Graduate level classmates that own one. It's pretty insane.
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where the hell are my stars
im waiting for the wii to equal XBOX360 and PS3 sales that will be amusing
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cdawallim waiting for the wii to equal XBOX360 and PS3 sales that will be amusing
At this rate it could very well happen (looking more likely with each month passing) that the total Wii sales will exceed the total sales of the xbox360 plus PS3 combined. :roll:
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where the hell are my stars
yeah thats what i meant

man i wanted to use boldface too :mad:
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Bird of Prey
You know whats good about this, its not just the young to middle aged folks (thinking 30-40) that are getting into the wii. Theres an article in my dads AARP magazine about the Wii. Talking about a restaurant in seattle that have a couple and they have tournaments and game nights. Most participants are over 40 to 50 years of age and they love it. Bowling, golf, tennis, the whole thing, its the best they say. They even had a couple doctors talking about the cardiovascular benefit of the Wii. Nintendo sure did hit the jackpot.
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Probably half of all Nintendo Wii's are stockpiled up and being scalped on eBay.
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yeah, but 10.3 million XBOX 360s = WAY more money than 10.1 million Wiis. Regardless, that's still impressive I guess. But, people are gonna grab the Wiis simply because they're fun for a relatively small amount of money (compared to PS3s for example.).
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FUN+Less money = good buy
PS3 = slightly fun + way to much money
360 = decent amount + fun

I just realized today I can buy a 360 for $189 used and then go buy a 20gb HD for about 69 dollars. Pretty good deal if I say so myself, hope by next pay check its still available.
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Wii is fun, but not addicting fun. All you do is shake a stick around.... and believe me, you don't need to spend $250 to do that... Once super smash bros is released, the console will rock - especially because it won't use the wii mote. It's a great console for noob asses tho.
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The thing that sucks about the Wii is that the console is going to effect the way games are made in the future. More and more we will see interactive gameplay. Well, yeah that's cool and all, but all I ask is to think about the people who love the mouse/keyboard or controller!
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