Monday, August 27th 2007

Crysis Demo to be Released September 25th

Here's some good news for everyone who's been waiting for one of the most anticipated first person shooters of the year: Crysis. The demo of Crysis is expected to be released by September 25th, 2007. The demo throws gamers into the first level of the single player campaign, named "contact", and allows said gamers to marvel at the technological advances and eye candy Crysis has to offer.

In the meantime, check out the latest Crysis Gameplay trailer.
Source: Cryedit
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21 Comments on Crysis Demo to be Released September 25th

...On the halo 3 launch? They should do it the day/2days before the 25th IMHO. Still, good news either way!
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Graphical Hacker
NICE! Now I can see if my comp can run it...
Posted on Reply
I caaaaaaaaaaan't plaaaaayyyyyy itttttttt :(
Posted on Reply
Yes you can Casheti!!! It runs perfectly fine on a single x850xt...let alone 2 in crossfire:)
Posted on Reply
How do you know?

And I wouldn't call this crossfire lol.. my CPU limits it so much it's not even worth having.
Posted on Reply
Well heres a quote from Crysis-Online during an interview with Cevat Yerli:
"In a very informative interview, Cevat Yerli revealed many new details on the current state of Crysis, and what's to come after the release of Crysis. According to the interview, Crysis will run on 3 year old computers by the time Crysis is released. Cevat used November 2004 as the example, which just happens to be when I bought my X850XT rig I'm currently using (new computer due in the next couple of weeks). So a system that was high-end at the end of 2004, will be able to play Crysis, no worries."
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Yea he says it will play it, probably all on low settings.
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Yea but it should look great on low from what ive heard
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Nah, I'm thinking Medium settings. But we really don't know yet so it's pointless to say that you won't.

You can just wait till Crysis only costs 30$ and then buy a new PC to run it.
Posted on Reply
Pff I ain't "buying" it. :p

Anybody else love rapidshare?
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CashetiPff I ain't "buying" it. :p

Anybody else love rapidshare?
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CashetiPff I ain't "buying" it. :p

Anybody else love rapidshare?
:eek:.....i do...but this deserves to be bought
Posted on Reply
devguy...On the halo 3 launch? They should do it the day/2days before the 25th IMHO. Still, good news either way!
Remember, it's just the demo. Like me, people won't probably care and might try it out along with their new Halo 3 game. The official release was supposed to be sometimes in September. That's what I was told when pre-ordering it. But it got delayed to November :( . But that's alright since the chix at GameStop gave me the Crysis poster (which supposed to be one of the bonuses when you pre-order the game) early keke :D .
And by the way, I lub her lol hehe.
Posted on Reply
Zzzzzz... seriously, if I hear another mention of this over-hyped game I'm gonna slit my wrists. Crysis this, and Crysis that, all day long. When it's released and when it's been reviewed by unbiased sources I may well consider it, but until then let's please focus on what's actually available... like BioShock and other good games.
Posted on Reply
Misiowiecwhen it's been reviewed by unbiased sources I may well consider it, but until then let's please focus on what's actually available...
Then stop posting under Crysis thread.
I MAY consider reading review WHILE downloading and trying the demo myself.
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Urbklr911:eek:.....i do...but this deserves to be bought
If I had the money then maybe.. but I don't.
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CashetiIf I had the money then maybe.. but I don't.
I'd loan you the ca$h if you live by me. :D Maybe I'll send you the extra poster once I get it.
Posted on Reply
Lol.. I'm sure you will >.>
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Bird of Prey
wow...this is alot of hype for a dx10 game...granted its a beautiful one..

seems to me like they are fanning the flames till its one huge bonfire...
Posted on Reply
WarEagleAUwow...this is alot of hype for a dx10 game...granted its a beautiful one..

seems to me like they are fanning the flames till its one huge bonfire...
haha and hopefully this game will stay on like the olympic torch and won't turn us down..
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