Tuesday, August 28th 2007

Wii Still Dominating the Console Market
Sales of Nintendo's Wii games console soared to their highest this year during July as it continued to outsell both Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3, shipping approximately 425,000 units. The PS3 also saw its strongest month of 2007, with sales rising from 95,000 units during June to 159,000 units during July following Sony's price drop for the 60GB model in North America. Meanwhile, the Xbox 360, which is still selling better than the PS3, saw its sales fall from 198,400 units to 170,000 units as the console continues to be plagued by reliability issues. Meanwhile the PlayStation 2 remains the second-best seller among home consoles, shipping 222,000 units during July, meaning the two least powerful consoles (excluding portable consoles) are selling best. These figures also mean that lifetime sales of the Wii have now surpassed those of the Xbox 360 as Nintendo continues to return to its former glory of the NES, SNES and N64 eras.
X-bit labs
26 Comments on Wii Still Dominating the Console Market
Ive only seen one in stock, ever.
And I got it. :D
I know people that have gone through 3 or 4 of them.
I just lol.
And resume playing my nintendo that has worked since day 1.
And GBA.
And Wii.
And Gamecube.
And GBC.
hmm... I don't see a trend.
I still don't know why people still buy this shitty console
Amazing how all you 360 owners and ps3 owners call it "shitty" and "last gen" because of its lack of graphical power, perhaps we should start calling 360's boring and dull because very few of the games are worth playing that justify the $500 and $600 price tag?
The wii has won the war, everyone thats on the losing sides just angry.
But I'm going to play some more mario strikers now, kthxbai.
While my xbox collects even more dust.
Its clearly not tehir fault they can't sell their product for shit!
Because "generations" of products are clearly defining things in this world, a wii is in NO way comparable to a 360, I mean its slower after all! someones haxx0ring!!!
Seriously people, you're all so upset because it is slower and accuse it of being worthless.
Noone gives a flying hoot about "generation", because its SELLING. until its end of life, there is no generation definition for this product. Its CURRENT.
Success is measured in sales and market, not how fast your GPU 3000 is.
and this article clearly proves this.
Anyone who thinks a fast gpu = instant success needs to be beat with a stick.
Because the sony and microsoft marketing departments brainwashed you really well. Its going to take a while to beat the retard complex out.
Cutting edge graphics/hardware vs fun game play, the PS3 is just that, style over substance.
that being said.. i sold my cube because my wii plays all its games ( most important of which is mariokart double dash).. but i kept my ps2 so i could play god of war 2.. .....
Walking around the Dorms I see quite a few Wiis. When you get to college you might want to tell these 18-22 year olds that they should grow up and play dull games with pretty graphics like call of duty 3. I think I'll go play some mario party.
That whole generation thing is crap, I agree. Some of the best games are the Old School ones man, the OG! For my DS I just bought, the game I play most is Super Mario World (adapted from SNES version). A good game, playability, and fun, are far superior to graphics. Heck, you have perfect resolution graphics in your everyday life, but that doesn't make it fun or desirable does it? hahahah.
On topic tho, I expect to see PS3 sales jump when GT5 comes out, and Xbox360 when Halo 3 hops off on September 25th. But if Wii keeps coming out with good titles and good usage of their innovative controller, they'll continue to be sold out errwheyr.
Especially female friends.. everyone I know loves to play with my wii.
My mom, my friends, my brother, my 8 year old step brothers, my grandma.. :eek:
If anything, the wii has more appeal for ANY age group.
Except the immature kids that think you can't have a video game without blood, gore, and over dramatic graphics that look faker than Brittney spear's boobs.
LOL they are fake though and i h8 Britney but i thought i t would be funnyu just to say that lol:roll::roll::roll::laugh::laugh::laugh: