Saturday, September 8th 2007

Blu-ray Disk Sales Falling
At CEDIA 2007, Sony tried to get more investors in on Blu-ray technology by presenting them with current sales figures. While it is true that Blu-ray is getting quite a lot of support, with exclusive deals from retail giants Target and Blockbuster, Blu-ray is nowhere near as popular as Sony wants you to believe. In the graphs that Sony does publish, they claim "more than twice the sales of HD DVD" and a much higher market share. However, if you look closely, the Blu-ray market is very unstable, and a current recession might even put HD DVD ahead of Blu-ray. A closer look at the market share graph shows that for several months, HD DVD had a much larger market share.
11 Comments on Blu-ray Disk Sales Falling
Obviously a related thread here:
thanks Zek.
concidering price of blu-ray films, the only ones ill buy are new film releases (which few and far between) , and maybe the od good film i dont have on dvd. Transformers would have been a deffinate, but they lost that to hddvd :/
As much as i would love to have a dual format player there are things hindering it right now lol.
1.) Being that its so expensive, the LG model even after its $200 price drop still costs $1000 ($999 if you wanna get technical on me lol)
2.) The fact that it doesnt support all of the HD-DVD special features most notably picture in picture displays