Sunday, September 30th 2007

Novell Linux Thanks Microsoft for Growing Market Share
Over the past three fiscal quarters, Novell Linux increased its market share by 243%, and wants to thank Microsoft for this success. Linux and Microsoft fanboys everywhere, this is not what you think it is. Ever since Microsoft and Novell signed a collaborative deal in November, both companies have seen nothing but benefit from this relationship. Novell made over $100 million USD in revenue, and Microsoft has the support of Linux users seeking interoperability, the driving force behind such explosive growth.
14 Comments on Novell Linux Thanks Microsoft for Growing Market Share
But I want all my games, my video performance, benches (not as important), software and such to work. I don't want to have to go out and get Linux versions, or ports. Which is my problem I know...
I'm sure they'll implement that and DX10 in the future, but I see no benefit for me until that is done, then maybe it'll be worth the jump. And, AMD did finally release drivers to support the HD2XXX series in linux right? Cause, I'm finding a way to get a 2900pro soon!
linux will soon have dx or something similair and then we witness the fall of microsoft.
Novell will get what's coming to them eventually. It may take years, but they'll get it eventually.