Friday, October 19th 2007

Halo 3/BioShock Sales Push Xbox360 Sales Ahead of Wii
For a while, the Nintendo Wii was truly the king of consoles. It had all sorts of fun games, it was easy to use, and it was cheap as dirt (relatively speaking). However, with the release of such extremely well done games as BioShock and Halo 3 to the Xbox360, many gamers are picking up an Xbox 360 just to play said games. In fact, just last month, Xbox 360 sales effectively doubled, according to recent NPD figures. Overall, Microsoft sold 527,800 Xbox360s, Nintendo sold 501,000 Wiis, and Sony sold 119,400 PS3s.
Reg Hardware
10 Comments on Halo 3/BioShock Sales Push Xbox360 Sales Ahead of Wii
But yeah, HL2 is awesome also, haven't had a chance to try Ep. 2 yet though... :respect:
well for starters This article isnt full of shit otherwise it wouldnt even be in the news section.
Considering the fact that the Wiis are far easier and faster to produce than the xbox 360 that partially explains the reason why thier number of consoles sold has been so high, (plus the fact that there is still huge demand for it.)
The fact that Wii was finally ahead of the 360 for total console sales before Halo 3 and Bioshock were released speaks multitudes of the fact that xbox was able to catch back up.
Also Microsoft is beleive it or not starting to make money on the 360 with the same prices. The production has allowed them to actually start making money off of each 360 sold for now. Plus with 65 nm being here this will only increase. Microsoft is trying to finally make a profit off of the losses from the xbox and xbox 360 incurred each of the early stages of each console by summer 2008 so they want to maximize their profit for awhile and who can blame them for this. So the Wii isnt the only console out there nowadays making money:slap: