Monday, October 29th 2007

Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Black Edition Hits 510MHz FSB on AMD RD790 on Air
Regardless of theoretical performance, the upcoming AMD RD790 and Athlon 64 Black Edition line of processors certainly are overclockable and feature-laden. On nothing but air cooling, MSI testers were able to get an RD790 chipset to a remarkable 510MHz FSB speed. Once the RD790 is released with PCI Express 2, CrossFire X, and support for goodies such as Phenom, we will see one seriously good platform.
Nordic Hardware
24 Comments on Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Black Edition Hits 510MHz FSB on AMD RD790 on Air
The Phenom shown in that screenshot has a ~25% overclock.
Unfortunately, the screenshot above (from the link) looks seriously photo-shopped.
Just curious.
however, it may just be a bug, who knows. I would like to think it could handle that high an bus speed as it will be sweet for hi end RAM modules
like this:
My CPU-Z 1.41 Validation screenie :
and if they could get that result on phase with an 8x mult, I'd buy both easily.
Having a high fsb might allow more memory bandwidth but if it isn't actually filled and used by the cpu then isn't it overkill, like giving a mini a Ferrari engine?
For example: Pentium 4 (prescott + D models) look at all the good quad pumping the fsb did for intel when they finally realised that 5ghz wasn't really a viable consumer option. :/
And AMD aren't using DDR3 so this is a bit premature :P