Monday, November 19th 2007

PlayStation3 Outsold Nintendo Wii Last Week in Japan
In a stunning turn of events, Sony snatched the sales crown from Nintendo last week. The release of the 40GB PS3 increased PS3 sales by 38%, as Nintendo Wii sales fell by 10%. Unfortunately for Sony, these are not the overall sales figures, these are only sales figures for the week ending November 11. Here are where the other consoles placed last week...
- Nintendo DS: 78,884 units
- PSP: 58,964 units
- PS3: 55,924 units
- Wii: 34,456 units
- PS2: 9043 units
- Xbox 360: 5817 units
21 Comments on PlayStation3 Outsold Nintendo Wii Last Week in Japan
Widely available, all three of them.
Its funny how people have all these probelms with the 360 still its kinda amaizing i am still on my first no problems no freezing and i leave mine on almost all the time.
the 40gb model also does not include the multi card reader. does anyone know if the hd can still be replaced easily like the 60gb or 80gb?
and i agree about the wii its old and has crappy hardware and a crap gpu from the game cube this is why i hate consoles every few years you have to get a new one and the old one you have to keep if you want to continue to play your old games so you cant get anything back on it. The 360 is suposed to support xbox games i hae about 24 xbox games and only 4 work on the 360. my bro has the ps3 and he has a similar play back issues he has the 60gb which is suposed to support older games but we have only be able to get gt4 to work unfortunatly . even after firm ware updates and trying other games on sonys backwards compatibility list. so there list isnt right cause we have 15 games on it and 1 works thats bs