Wednesday, November 21st 2007
Man Uses Wii Calendar to Catch Cheating Wife
This is a story about a man by the name of Tony who claims to have caught his lying wife by searching the play history of his Nintendo Wii. After returning from a year active duty in Iraq in April 2007, he discovered that his wife was playing bowling with some guy during his absence. "[In Nov.] I flip through the Wii menu and visit the Mii Channel so I can peruse the many friends that I have created with the guys that I played with in Iraq," writes Tony in an email to GoNintendo. "As I go through the characters, I see there is a Mii that I have not created. It's a guy strikingly similar to my wife's [alleged lover]. "To be sure of this, I went into the Wil Message Board and click on the Calendar option. Through this menu I was able to identify the many nights my wife's Mii and this 'other' Mii Character played Wii Bowling together." After confrontation, the wife maintained that she had only shared an innocent kiss with the man on a single occasion. Tony has since separated and filed for divorce. Don't tell me we live in a normal world. How smart do you have to be, in order to cheat your better half without getting caught now a days.
23 Comments on Man Uses Wii Calendar to Catch Cheating Wife
wtf is the point in this thread?
The point of this thread...I wanted to bring some good atmosphere on the front page, between all the hardware related stuff.
Plus waking up to read this just before a day full of leactures has really put a smile on my face, as I found my ex cheating on me via a.......... text message (drum roll) :rockout:
Pun intended xD