Monday, December 3rd 2007

Blu-ray Claims 72.6% Market Share in USA
What was once a stalemate on the HD format front now seems like a landslide victory for the Blu-ray team. The latest Nielson figures shows that Black Friday really put Blu-ray in the chips. As of this week, Blu-ray now has a 72.6% market share over rival format HD-DVD. The most likely reason for this sudden push in sales was the release of "Live Free or Die Hard". Despite cheap HD-DVD players, Blu-ray has managed to maintain a sales advantage for quite some time, and currently is holding off HD-DVD with a 2-1 average sales advantage. Last week's sales advantage was roughly 3-1 in favor of Blu-ray.
59 Comments on Blu-ray Claims 72.6% Market Share in USA
I don't believe this for a minute.
That being said, I won't be buying an HD player of any sort for the foreseeable future. HDTV's are too damn expensive.
Warner Bros.
Disney (Buena Vista)
Sony Pictures
HD-DVD support:
Warner Bros.
Universal Studios
Just by looking at those supporting movie studios, it becomes easy to see why Blu-ray is outselling HD-DVD. There is no reason to pick sides based on Sony or Toshiba. I don't understand why you would be biased against Blu-ray. Moreover, since Blu-ray is the superior product, I don't see any reason at all to be biased against Blu-ray.
Anyone who doesn't like Blu-ray and doesn't want it on the market are just people hurting other consumers by not supporting the better player. This in effect takes the better product off the market...
Warner Bros.
Weinstein Company
20th Century Fox
Disney/Buena Vista
Sony Pictures
Warner Bros.
Have you experienced Sony's bs with encryption? Having to do firmware updates so you can watch Silver Surfer...if you're lucky? Yeah, that's a superior technology I want everyone to benefit from...SWEET!
All I can say is, Thank God for HD-DVD! Can you imagine how much we would have to pay for hi-def content if Sony was the only one in the market?
2. I suggest you take a look at this website before you start talking about aspect ratios and encryptions:
You're exaggerating the truth more than a little bit.
2. Good website even though it was last updated on 10.20.2005 even before PS3 came out. It does verify as I said that both formats are capable of the same CODECs. Hence, same image quality.
Man you are losing the argument.
You're saying that Toshiba is putting more useful things on their discs than Sony? The analogy still holds true whether you like it or not, the two friends could be considered as Sony and Toshiba (even though they aren't the best of friends in a business sense).
What I'm saying is that you over exaggerated the facts about the encryption. Both encryption formats are quite similar and both have the same headaches. The fact is though, the Blu-ray still remains the best as far as specs are concerned. You could sit here and say all day that the extra storage space is useless, that's you're opinion, but that opinion doesn't mean HD dvd is a better player.
take out the sales of PS3's out of the equation and this format war becomes a very different story
As far as I know, no one has had to do a firmware update on their HD-DVD players yet and Sony is just getting started. I'm guessing that pretty soon BR players will have to be connected to the net just to watch a movie but of course they will tell you how this will enable fantastic new interactive features while you watch a movie on their superior format.
What I said was,
"Thank God for HD-DVD!"
I should also mention AMD, Apple(Macs), LINUX, ATI, PHP, MySQL, and the entire Open Source community. For without them, we would be at the mercy of the 800 pound gorillas.
However, I see your point. I would be much more impressed if they started selling/renting HD movies on flash. Now that would be awesome!
(I don't own any console, and I"m not a fanboy, unless you count AMD and Nvidia :D)
Personally, I have no preference. I own both, and for movies they are 100% equal.
Personally, I think the whole HD/BluRay war is a blip on the screen, ala laser discs. The real format will be digital 3D. I will be waiting for one of those and bypass this train wreck.