Wednesday, December 5th 2007

Swiftech Introduces H20-220 Compact CPU Liquid Cooling Kit

Introducing the H20-220 Compact CPU liquid cooling kit, Swiftech is looking for more headroom and performance, while maintaining relatively low cost. This kit offers enthusiast-level performance combined with superlative ease of installation compared to traditional extreme performance kits. Just like the H20-120 Compact, this model features the all-in-one Apogee Drive 350 self-powered waterblock with integrated MCP350 pump, but the single 120mm heat exchanger is now replaced with a dual MCR220-QP Res 120mm radiator. The package also includes the "Radbox", smartcoiled norprene 3/8" tubing, fittings and a bottle of Hydrx coolant. Swiftech's H20-220 Compact CPU liquid cooling kit is compatible with Intel Socket 775 and AMD Socket 754, 939, 940, AM2, F. The suggested price is $199.95 if you buy the kit directly from Swiftech.
Source: Swiftech
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46 Comments on Swiftech Introduces H20-220 Compact CPU Liquid Cooling Kit

MCP350? (about 350 lph or so?) All in all a cool $199.95?


I'm sorry, I'm just finding it ridiculously hilarious what these corporations are trying to push nowadays. I mean, I can't blame them. Got to keep finding ways to keep them profits flowing in. But $199.95? All of those components put together are worth $60 total, tops! Sure, some people would pay an extra $100 just for the sake of the "Swiftech" branding, but those people are same people who still buy Sony products just because "Japaneze stuff rawks!".
Posted on Reply
lol... now THIS is good! I think this will easily replace the H20-120.
AddSubMCP350? (about 350 lph or so?) All in all a cool $199.95?


I'm sorry, I'm just finding it ridiculously hilarious what these corporations are trying to push nowadays. I mean, I can't blame them. Got to keep finding ways to keep them profits flowing in. But $199.95? All of those components put together are worth $60 total, tops! Sure, some people would pay an extra $100 just for the sake of the "Swiftech" branding, but those people are same people who still buy Sony products just because "Japaneze stuff rawks!".
Erm... Do you know anything...? Branding means a lot, example thermaltake VS swiftec, all in one kits, there is a MASSIVE performance gap, but a minor price difference. Wow, your reasoning would mean that all our computer parts as well aren't worth it, lets see motherboard costing $300 would cost $100 to make, etcetra. Sounds like ignorant rant to me :\
Posted on Reply
Branding means nothing. It's the quality of parts and in some respect bang-for-buck value (if you are on a restricted budget). If you only buy on the basis of name-branding, then you are not a very smart consumer, to put it mildly. In some social circles this is known as a "fanboyism".

Myself, I have no allegiance to any particular brand or manufacturer. I evaluate products on their particular and specific qualities, or lack of. Not because of any labels and/or branding.
Posted on Reply
AddSubMCP350? (about 350 lph or so?) All in all a cool $199.95?


I'm sorry, I'm just finding it ridiculously hilarious what these corporations are trying to push nowadays. I mean, I can't blame them. Got to keep finding ways to keep them profits flowing in. But $199.95? All of those components put together are worth $60 total, tops! Sure, some people would pay an extra $100 just for the sake of the "Swiftech" branding, but those people are same people who still buy Sony products just because "Japaneze stuff rawks!".
All i can say is...:shadedshu
Posted on Reply
AddSubBranding means nothing. It's the quality of parts and in some respect bang-for-buck value (if you are on a restricted budget). If you only buy on the basis of name-branding, then you are not a very smart consumer, to put it mildly. In some social circles this is known as a "fanboyism".

Myself, I have no allegiance to any particular brand or manufacturer. I evaluate products on their particular and specific qualities, or lack of. Not because of any labels and/or branding.
Watch your posts, dont go balantly calling people fanboys alright? Anyway, I was referring to Swiftech's reputation for making good products. There is nothing wrong with forming an allegiance, but you shouldn't drive people into the floor for being "not a very smart consumer".

You have to understand, that TPU members arent idiots, which you are hinting there. Anyway, I find your statement that Swiftech are a joke, rather ignorant. Consider this, the H20 120 Compact is good in terms of value and performance, the H20-220 has a bigger radiator, and slightly higher price tag. Swiftech, are quality, top end stuff, to serve the niche high end market of cooling. Its libel basically to state that Swiftec are "low quality", when they are top end.

EDIT: One thing AddSub, this is something personal but stop acting like a smart alec, I can't really tolerate much of it but honestly.
Posted on Reply
Wow, I just had a dream last night of the compact kit having a dual-radiator kit. I guess this one would be on my wishlist. :cool:

And, branding does means something. It's common knowledge. It shows the difference between one company than the other, be it the quality or the performance it offers. It's still a difference.

Why would you bother getting top-notch performance products when you know nothing about the brand? At least what are you saying is what from people reviewed, experienced, etc.

People probarbly goes saying, "Ah swiftech is good, but Dangerden is better for their quality, etc". Yet, they still mention the brand for their qualities. I just don't get you.
Posted on Reply
Where did I say "low quality" that you quote me for? I called you a fanboy? Where?

Struck a nerve eh?
Posted on Reply
AddSubI'm sorry, I'm just finding it ridiculously hilarious what these corporations are trying to push nowadays. I mean, I can't blame them. Got to keep finding ways to keep them profits flowing in. But $199.95? All of those components put together are worth $60 total, tops! Sure, some people would pay an extra $100 just for the sake of the "Swiftech" branding, but those people are same people who still buy Sony products just because "Japaneze stuff rawks!".
Either you are sheltered or balantly racist, but that statement is open to MUCH scrutiny.

Not only do you use a corruption of the word Japanese in your statement, but you also hint in that statement that people who purchase Japanese things are idiots. I'd love to see how the moderators deal with that post, I'd advise you to edit that post.

In whole, I extremely hate racism.
AddSubWhere did I say "low quality" that you quote me for? I called you a fanboy? Where?

Struck a nerve eh?
Watch it.
Posted on Reply
let's go back to the cooler ok?

from the installed picture i see that the hot air from vga exhaust (if you have a double slot card)is going right in the cooling fan so i wonder how the water will be cooled?
Posted on Reply
laszlolet's go back to the cooler ok?

from the installed picture i see that the hot air from vga exhaust (if you have a double slot card)is going right in the cooling fan so i wonder how the water will be cooled?
120mm fan of course :P
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
AddSubMCP350? (about 350 lph or so?) All in all a cool $199.95?


I'm sorry, I'm just finding it ridiculously hilarious what these corporations are trying to push nowadays. I mean, I can't blame them. Got to keep finding ways to keep them profits flowing in. But $199.95? All of those components put together are worth $60 total, tops! Sure, some people would pay an extra $100 just for the sake of the "Swiftech" branding, but those people are same people who still buy Sony products just because "Japaneze stuff rawks!".
You do realize that an MCP-350 is a rebadged Laing DDC-1, right? That right there is more than $60 at retail.
Posted on Reply
it looks good,i could do with it being a little cheaper, but for 1st time liquid cooling it looks good as people like me find it scary to setup water cooling but it looks compact just depends if its any better then a $100 fan cooler or not
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
regan1985it looks good,i could do with it being a little cheaper, but for 1st time liquid cooling it looks good as people like me find it scary to setup water cooling but it looks compact just depends if its any better then a $100 fan cooler or not
It is better.
Posted on Reply
intel igent
AddSubMCP350? (about 350 lph or so?) All in all a cool $199.95?


I'm sorry, I'm just finding it ridiculously hilarious what these corporations are trying to push nowadays. I mean, I can't blame them. Got to keep finding ways to keep them profits flowing in. But $199.95? All of those components put together are worth $60 total, tops! Sure, some people would pay an extra $100 just for the sake of the "Swiftech" branding, but those people are same people who still buy Sony products just because "Japaneze stuff rawks!".
this coming from som1 who is prolly cooling their box with a gigabyte 3D mercury or a nautilus500. do you even know what the hell ur talkin about?

i personally think this is an excellent option for som1 who wants a quick+easy (QUALITY) solution to W/C.

i wouldnt use this kit myself because id rather piece together/build my own kit but its good nonetheless
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
I rather think Corsairs Nautilus is an excellent cooler. Id think you may wanna back off of that. However, its no Apogee/Swiftech/Danger Den that is for sure. This is a nice price from such a high quality brand as Swiftech. Its a bit better than their 150 dollar kit on the egg as well.
Posted on Reply
intel igent
WarEagleAUI rather think Corsairs Nautilus is an excellent cooler. Id think you may wanna back off of that.
sorry bud i wont back that off :shadedshu
Posted on Reply
Sold my stars!
love it, we needed a 240 version of the 120 compact.. but shouldn't it be 240 and not 220?
Posted on Reply
intel igent
panchomanlove it, we needed a 240 version of the 120 compact.. but shouldn't it be 240 and not 220?
swiftech doesnt do there naming like that they do it like this 120/220/320 vs DD (eg) 120/240/360

Posted on Reply
gabe rouchon
Swiftech Rep
AddSubMCP350? (about 350 lph or so?) All in all a cool $199.95?


I'm sorry, I'm just finding it ridiculously hilarious what these corporations are trying to push nowadays. I mean, I can't blame them. Got to keep finding ways to keep them profits flowing in. But $199.95? All of those components put together are worth $60 total, tops! Sure, some people would pay an extra $100 just for the sake of the "Swiftech" branding, but those people are same people who still buy Sony products just because "Japaneze stuff rawks!".
All right then, let's do the math, using the manufacturer suggested retail price:

MCP350 pump: $79.95
MCR220-QP Res radiator: $59.95
(2) fans: $10
Water-block: included (built into pump) - Estimated value (using apogee product line for example): $50
Reservoir: included (built into radiator) - Estimated value (using MCRes Micro for example): $20
Tubing, Coolant, Misc accessories (voltage adaptors, fittings, thermal grease): Estimated value $20

Total Value at MSRP: $240

Actual MSRP of the kit: $199.95

I hope the above helps you in re-evaluating your assessment.

Best regards,

Gabriel Rouchon
Chairman, CTA

3700 Industry Ave., Suite 104
Lakewood, CA 90712
T. (562) 595-8009
F. (562) 595-8769
Posted on Reply
intel igent
gabe rouchonAll right then, let's do the math, using the manufacturer suggested retail price:

MCP350 pump: $79.95
MCR220-QP Res radiator: $59.95
(2) fans: $10
Water-block: included (built into pump) - Estimated value (using apogee product line for example): $50
Reservoir: included (built into radiator) - Estimated value (using MCRes Micro for example): $20
Tubing, Coolant, Misc accessories (voltage adaptors, fittings, thermal grease): Estimated value $20

Total Value at MSRP: $240

Actual MSRP of the kit: $199.95

I hope the above helps you in re-evaluating your assessment.

Best regards,

Gabriel Rouchon
Chairman, CTA

3700 Industry Ave., Suite 104
Lakewood, CA 90712
T. (562) 595-8009
F. (562) 595-8769
GABE :eek: has spoken

welcome to TPU gabe

Posted on Reply
gabe rouchon
Swiftech Rep
intel igentGABE has spoken
oops, forgot to count the price of the radbox in my response: $20.00
but I also counted the MCR220-QP Res at $59.95 when I should have been counting the MCR220-QP (without builtin res), which is $49.95, so it's +$20 - $10 = +$10 to my $240 estimate = $250 :):)
Posted on Reply
For people in the uk,this kit builder is the bees knees,you can pay for the pump and tubing,and get the rad,cpu block ,gpu block and res for free.This is only if you want a single rad,if you want extra rad/blocks you pay for them.but it is very can get the list below for £90 in vat

Ave a look yourselves-
gabe rouchon
Swiftech Rep
tigger69For people in the uk,this kit builder is the bees knees,you can pay for the pump and tubing,and get the rad,cpu block ,gpu block and res for free.This is only if you want a single rad,if you want extra rad/blocks you pay for them.but it is very can get the list below for £90 in vat

Ave a look yourselves-
That's comparing a single rad kit to a dual rad kit, but I'll play with you there too:

let's not count the VAT. 76 Sterling at todays exchange rate is $155.00

The H20-120 single rad kit street price (since we are now talking street pricing) is $139.99
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