Wednesday, January 9th 2008

New Line Cinema Abandons HD-DVD too
According to announcements at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), New Line Cinema has joined Warner Bros in revealing that in future it would only be supplying its movies in Blu-ray format - the competitor to Toshiba's format. The news means that just two of Hollywood's major studios have retained support for HD-DVD, which is mainly supported by computer companies such as Microsoft. The Blu-ray consortium - which consists of a wide range of entertainment companies as well as manufacturers including Sony and Apple - now has the potential to become the de facto standard for next generation DVDs. The two formats - which both offer higher capacity discs that are able to hold larger, high-definition video files - are incompatible with each other.
Guardian Unlimited
29 Comments on New Line Cinema Abandons HD-DVD too
That said... at least the format war is over for now.
But let settle this once and for all!
And go to mass production so it's becoming a cheaper tech!
I want som high def disks to write, and use!
As sooner, as Better!
You as a consumer have to be careful not to follow those that "just want it to end already" those are the ones that prefer Pyhrric win :D. They don't care if it "cost them" but 9 out of 10 times, you do!
Eheh...Anymore I am a Blu-Ray Fanboy :D (Actually I have always been.)
i read that post about the ces booths and what features both vendors boast, it doesnt seem like br is boasting anything more then the large capacities and the video [quality], doesnt read like there interested in strong feature, functionality and 'pirks' to their product.
the unfortunate thing is in this day n age, consumers (and i mean in the greater majority) do get their way and dont know whats good for them - in the long term, and eventho vendors cant and wont make the big decisions for consumers, its companys like warner bros n shite that should be backing the product that has better long term features, especially if they contain interactive content which will make these companies products more profitable, (longterm heh) maybe there just suseptable to careless popularity. shame really.
oh yea, i do look foward to the pc side of things prices crashing. really, cant wait.
wish i could goto that ces, i sooo want an lg watch phone, looks sweet :D
Only the early consumers have chosen right now. It will still be at least another year before this format war is over. AT THE EARLIEST:shadedshu:shadedshu
I think an HD DVD burner by Toshiba (2x) is set to debut next quarter or not the quarter after that. Can write 15GB of data in 30 mins. Id like to have an HD DVD burner and BR Burner myself.
I honestly don't care who wins the HD format war, I just want ATI to come out with nVidia killer graphics card. :D
Sure... the dvd format was split between +/- (didn't affect retail movies), almost for the same reason, but at least it worked in the same devices.
If you want it's out there.
Uh, Universal gave up its commitment to HD-DVD.