Wednesday, January 9th 2008

New StarCraft Artwork and Screenshots Published
Blizard Entertainment has released new artwork and screenshots from the StarCraft 2 RTS game for your viewing pleasure. Blizzard also unveiled a "new" terrain unit, the Cucio Siege Tank. You can find more information about the armored vehicle here. I'll upload just a few screenshots in the news body, just to give you an idea, while the full list can be viewed on Blizzard's StarCraft 2 web page.
35 Comments on New StarCraft Artwork and Screenshots Published
Remember what happened to Starcraft: Ghost (if you ever heard of it).
It got scrapped after years of production and it did look pretty good too.
can't wait for it, sc1 has gotten a little old...
lol @ Random Murderer's avatar :laugh:
This better not be the final build.
They have done the same thing with World of Warcraft. I'm sure Blizzard had the ability to make that game look 2x better than how they released it. Its called strategy, they could care less about graphical gaming freaks and care more about pure gaming freaks.
it will have a amazing gameplay if it's like the 1st starcraft
ps. get of the computer and go play with your fiance!! damn she's gorgeous! :o
was my absolute favorite tactic in SC1 - amass near about 140 zerglings and swarm your enemy. Aside from how quickly zerglings could bring buildings down - usually the confusion of so many attacking forces would throw an opponent off as they went into panic mode to try and get things under control. Hell, you don't even have to comander the swarm - just let 'em go . . .
meanwhile - get another horde brewing for the kill (if need be) :D
I was pwned... over and over again. :respect: