Sunday, January 13th 2008

Bill Gates Says the Xbox 360 Will Be the Most Reliable Console

For the current generation of gaming consoles, the Xbox 360 has several reputations. On the positive side, the Xbox 360 is the undisputed leader of online service and multiplayer, but on the negative side, it also holds a track record of being fairly unreliable. At one point, up to one-third of all Xbox 360 consoles experienced the hardware failure popularly known as the Red Ring of Death, which rendered the console unusable. While many from Microsoft's entertainment and devices division have spoken on the Xbox 360's reliability record, Bill Gates was mostly removed from commenting on the issue - until now. Speaking in a BBC Video interview, Gates revealed that it's now Microsoft's goal to make the Xbox 360 "the most reliable" console on the market.
Source: DailyTech
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53 Comments on Bill Gates Says the Xbox 360 Will Be the Most Reliable Console

Now this is a goal to strive towards.
Posted on Reply
First work on Vista so I can play games on it kthx.
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Eleet Hardware Junkie
they've got a long way to go. my friend has 2 backups in his closet because every time he sends one in to get fixed he has one to use while it's gone, but the 2nd one dies before the 1st one comes back and so on. he's gone through about 20 of them now and still going. it's not because he doesn't take good care of them either.
Posted on Reply
fitseries3they've got a long way to go. my friend has 2 backups in his closet because every time he sends one in to get fixed he has one to use while it's gone, but the 2nd one dies before the 1st one comes back and so on. he's gone through about 20 of them now and still going. it's not because he doesn't take good care of them either.
Obviously he doesnt :eek: I know several people with launch 360's that still work including my brother.
Posted on Reply
Cold Storm
The only problem I've had is the simple fact that xbox live comes in and out here and there... but thats just me... If gates can do this then there isn't anything he can do! wait... vista!
Posted on Reply
i had 3 lights of death but fixed now:D
Posted on Reply
Served 5k and counting ...
Should have never had the problem in the first place, why cover up and try to fix it now?

Sorry Mr. Gates, you lost an Xbox 360 buyer here.
Posted on Reply
Iam glad I got the PS3 over the 360 this xmas :p after hearing this red ring of death! I was scared!
Posted on Reply
Cold Storm
I had it once because something wasn't plugged in right... the new ones have less abilities to get one then the ones that came out say the first year...
Posted on Reply
but the fact that it has such a good name - i mean a failure and its called the red ring of death. what are the chances - unless...
Posted on Reply
Cold Storm
thats only because of how it lites up... you have a ring... look you have BSOD for computers... if you know what the rings mean then you know whats going on.. What does PS3 and wii have??? they just shut down and your f'ed... Microsoft knows they have a problem and gave you 3 years for the system... If they didn't think it was good, then why would they give you a 3 year????
I never have had a problem with anything on the newer system... my xbox is hooked right up to my computer and runs the whole windows media center great.
Posted on Reply
what a joke, the 360 will never be reliable, I sent my 360 in for repair and they sent me a scratched up 360 with stickers(shickeres) on it that broke in 2 weeks and I sent that one back and the one they sent me died in 3 days, its just horrible, I had to give up on repairs and buy and elite which is starting to give me problems recently, it freezes on the dashboard sometimes for some reason and even more in games
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And the ps3 will become the cheapest console while the nintendo wii will have the best graphics.
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JrRacinFanShould have never had the problem in the first place, why cover up and try to fix it now?

Sorry Mr. Gates, you lost an Xbox 360 buyer here.
You just now decided that you'll never buy an Xbox 360 because Bill Gates made a goal to make the Xbox360 the most reliable console? wtf
Posted on Reply
fitseries3they've got a long way to go. my friend has 2 backups in his closet because every time he sends one in to get fixed he has one to use while it's gone, but the 2nd one dies before the 1st one comes back and so on. he's gone through about 20 of them now and still going. it's not because he doesn't take good care of them either.
LOL me too, I do the exact same thing. I use 2 of them, 1 on the HDTV in the living room, 1 besides my computer both connected to the same 22" LCD. And 1 is a backup. One of these 3 had the 3rlod, but I fixed it my self with the X-Clamp fix, its working great again without any problems at all. It is a launch 360 btw. And one, the backup(a premium), I got back when my last backup broke(core version). So I have 1 elite, and 2 premium. Just so when 1 dies I have a 360 to play with. I would love if Mr Gates announcement was true, I´ll believe it when I see it.

Ps. As long as MS uses those X-Clamps to hold the cooling in the 360´s they will have problems, even with the glued edges. They need to remove the x-clamps, and use some other better way to construct them. Some way that doesnt flex the chip/pcb. So you who think the heat is to blame, youre semi wrong, its the x-clamp in combination with heat. I think its funny that ppl online have found perfect ways to fix the 360´s, but MS uses a silly thing like glue to fix the problem. Talk about greedy ppl.
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Perhaps a backplate would solve that... like the ones in Zalman 9500 NT or Tunic Tower.
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HaZe303LOL me too, I do the exact same thing. I use 2 of them, 1 on the HDTV in the living room, 1 besides my computer both connected to the same 22" LCD. And 1 is a backup. One of these 3 had the 3rlod, but I fixed it my self with the X-Clamp fix, its working great again without any problems at all. It is a launch 360 btw. And one, the backup(a premium), I got back when my last backup broke(core version). So I have 1 elite, and 2 premium. Just so when 1 dies I have a 360 to play with. I would love if Mr Gates announcement was true, I´ll believe it when I see it.

Ps. As long as MS uses those X-Clamps to hold the cooling in the 360´s they will have problems, even with the glued edges. They need to remove the x-clamps, and use some other better way to construct them. Some way that doesnt flex the chip/pcb. So you who think the heat is to blame, youre semi wrong, its the x-clamp in combination with heat. I think its funny that ppl online have found perfect ways to fix the 360´s, but MS uses a silly thing like glue to fix the problem. Talk about greedy ppl.
I do that too. I only have two 360's though. One I bought and fixed with the X-clamp mod. The other one is a sketchy premium version. My last refurb lasted only a month, but that is better than some peoples luck. I just need to buy another hard drive and then my brother and I will each have one to play. I am glad they are trying to make them reliable, but as Haze stated, if they use X-clamps, they will break.
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After MS spent a billion dollars to get rid of the issues and to get the replacement rates down to around 10%-20%, there won't be a way to get rid of the reputation until MS releases a new console. My 2 cents.
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RavenasAfter MS sent a billion dollars to get rid of the issues and to get the replacement rates down to around 10%-20%, there won't be a way to get rid of the reputation until MS releases a new console. My 2 cents.
Amen to that the one reason i didnt get a 360 was cus of the rrod and cus the ps3 is superior flame me if you must.
Posted on Reply
This is just bias against Microsoft who ive never had a problem with its always been me or my hardware that was the problem not the OS, its allways been my fault like the time i took up to much space on my 2gb hard drive or when i deleted a file i shouldnt have or bad hard ware like a faulty hard drive i got once.

Ive had my 360 for just over a year and it has never broken down shut down or anything like that yes it heated up but it wasnt like i could roast chicken or anything like that.

I know for a fact that you dont hear about the new 360s breaking down ive never heard anyone complain about them. They have better cooling, quieter drives, HDMI and a good warranty and different motherboards oh and smaller chips.

Only problems ive heard of is over heatingand disk drives that got broken thats it RROD caused by the console cooking itself.

Whats the problem if it brakes fucking take it back and if it does again take it back you know if it breaks to many times you could demand a brand new console.

The whole idea is that to save time they would give you a repaired console while yours was getting repaired then send that one to someone else when it was fixed it shouldn't matter tho as you should ask to keep the hard drive so you keep all your saves ect.

They should when repairing 360s add better cooling or new disk drives just my opinion tho oh and give it a clean like take off all the junk like stickers and polish it a bit just seems to obvious tho.

The whole idea is that it melts itself and poisons you with toxic melted plastic fumes so you dont buy Sony or Nintendo.
Posted on Reply
We're talking about reliableness, not MS's obligation to stand behind a warranty. Lol, you say "fucking take it back and get it fixed" like it's nothing. BUT you said it yourself, you haven't had a problem with yours. You really don't know what's it's like having to send it back for a month because you paid 399$ for a unreliable product. My best friend in college does, and it sucks. He had to mail back his xbox 3 weeks before the launch of Halo 3. Then he went to go buy Halo 3 on the launch date and can't play it for 2 weeks because MS can't make a reliable product. I'd be pissed, and you act like it's nothing, but then again it's never happened to you has it?

Now, after the fact that the Xbox had like a 70% failure rate bill gates wants to come back and have the most reliable console. I mean come on... Title is already set in stone if you ask me.
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If I HAD to game on a console it would be the 360, it has more games that I like(FPS shooters online) im a online shooter person but I cant use controllers they suck.
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ShadowFoldIf I HAD to game on a console it would be the 360, it has more games that I like(FPS shooters online) im a online shooter person but I cant use controllers they suck.
Name the more FPS shooters online? Besides Halo.
Posted on Reply
RavenasName the more FPS shooters online? Besides Halo.
Halo is overhyped shit. Theres alot but idk specifics I just know thats all my bro plays on 360.
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