Sunday, February 10th 2008
IBM Announces Grand Plans to Make Master Server for Entire Internet
IBM was never known for making anything small. From some of the very first computers to the PlayStation 3 processor, IBM is one of the largest influences of the tech industry. As if to add to this success, IBM wants to be a host: to the entire internet. The thought is, at first, silly, and then unfathomable. How can one computer, let alone one company, run the entire internet? IBM claims they can pull it off with a heavily modified Blue Gene computer, which they have codenamed "Kittyhawk". The processing power of Kittyhawk would be immense. The software is too complex to explain, and will be left at "Kittyhawk will run the internet as a single application". As far as hardware is concerned, current estimates say that Kittyhawk will need 67.1 million cores and 32PB of memory.
41 Comments on IBM Announces Grand Plans to Make Master Server for Entire Internet
67.1 million cores.... HOLY ****!!!!!!!!!
how big is that thing gonna be? and how much money?
also i hope this doesn't have negative impacts.. all of our data and porn going to ibm....
Holly mother....Jesus....
-4 bluegene /L's
So many cores, and when it is ready what then?
The terrorist need just one peace of earth to vaporize or what? :D
So Grand Plan...
I have a "Grand Plan To" I just wanna ""play"" with my girlfriend 24/7 Yeap
that's My Grand Plan
Anyone has any other "Grand Plans" like IBM and I?
just how many acres of land will they need to aquire for a center to house this monstrosity?
Wow, though, you could imagine the heat output? They'll be able to save on structural heating costs, for sure!
you only need 67gb's per core, modern server carry that much anyway, so why not?
I want a SuperPI 1M number though :D
i call it waste of money
~8EBps? (eight exabytes per second)?