Monday, February 11th 2008

Best Buy to Promote Blu-Ray
While just earlier today we told you that Netflix is going Blu-ray exclusive, it seems like the folks over at the HD-DVD are taking another blow. Best Buy is happy to announce a new policy: Best Buy "will give preferential treatment to Blu-ray movies and hardware when it comes to floor space and positioning in its stores." Best Buy CFO and President Brian Dunn has this to say over why they chose Blu-ray:
Consumers have told us that they want us to help lead the way. We've listened to our customers, and we are responding. Best Buy will recommend Blu-ray as the preferred format. Our decision to shine a spotlight on Blu-ray Disc players and other Blu-ray products is a strong signal to our customers that we believe Blu-ray is the right format choice for them.Best Buy believes that their decision will help make customers "feel confident in their high-def content choices". Best Buy mentioned that they will not cease selling HD-DVD products.
25 Comments on Best Buy to Promote Blu-Ray
As for PC use, I find it more enjoyable on the wide screen :)
so long HD-DVD, i will miss you
HDDVD 299 to 449
good job HD-DVD players are fully upgradable, so the 1st generation players will always play current gen disc..... but hang on....... is fading away i can't see HD-DVD any more.
sony have done a good job of marketing (or give money to studios) there getting everyman and his idiot to believe blu-ray is a better format, when the players themself are not upgradable. and yes you PS3 owning peeps, you are going to need to buy a new PS3, just like all the 360 owners out there to gain access to that extra HD blu-ray content.
funny as they only said that the PS3 was the only future proof player about a week ago....
HVD and they are due out soon(some already are in use as backup devices or large corps)
prices will drop fast once they hit mass production levels :)
who wouldnt want 3.9tb a disk!!!