Thursday, February 14th 2008

All GeForce 8 Cards to Gain PhysX Engine Support Says NVIDIA

Video card giant NVIDIA, which completed the acquisition of AGEIA Technologies the day before, is now starting to port AGEIA's PhysX engine software to run on its GeForce 8 cards, according to The Tech Report. During a financial call, NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hseun Huang revealed that the ported engine will bring enhanced physics capabilities to all of the company's existing GeForce 8 cards.
We're working toward the physics-engine-to-CUDA port as we speak. And we intend to throw a lot of resources at it. You know, I wouldn't be surprised if it helps our GPU sales even in advance of [the port's completion]. The reason is, [it's] just gonna be a software download. Every single GPU that is CUDA-enabled will be able to run the physics engine when it comes... Every one of our GeForce 8-series GPUs runs CUDA.
Huang also added that the integration shall encourage people to spend more on graphics processing hardware, and maybe start to buy two or three graphics cards, where one of them will work for physics only.
Source: The Tech Report
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64 Comments on All GeForce 8 Cards to Gain PhysX Engine Support Says NVIDIA

Freshwater Moderator
AsRockMore like you will need a better comp to deal with the extra..
because they dont support CUDA, would be my guess.
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
Musselsbecause they dont support CUDA, would be my guess.
Dunno if they do or or not. I'm just going by what i have seen with PhysX in a system there's a frame rate drop.

All so funny way it about a year ago they were saying there Physics were better than lol.
Posted on Reply
AsRock watch the videos out there that side by side show the diffrance with and without, more shit to render=lower fps, but it is more realistic.

and also the PhysX cards where pci, that was shown to be abottle neck in many/most systems the chip just really needs pci-e
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
AsRockDunno if they do or or not. I'm just going by what i have seen with PhysX in a system there's a frame rate drop.

All so funny way it about a year ago they were saying there Physics were better than lol.
the reasoning here is that a GPU can do this a LOt faster than a CPU - less of a hit (CPU are more likely to bottleneck than these cards, especially under SLI)
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
ChillyMystAsRock watch the videos out there that side by side show the diffrance with and without, more shit to render=lower fps, but it is more realistic.

and also the PhysX cards where pci, that was shown to be abottle neck in many/most systems the chip just really needs pci-e
True it could help yes we will see.... i'm more worried whats happened to game play than any thing else.
Posted on Reply
it will just get better and feel more real OR nothing, you im sure arent gonna be forced to use it.

and musscles cpu's CANT do true phsyx calc , they arent designed for it in real time, gpu's shader units are more suited to that work as are the aegna(Sp) ppu cards, tho they where a poor design so they fail it.
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Freshwater Moderator
ChillyMystit will just get better and feel more real OR nothing, you im sure arent gonna be forced to use it.

and musscles cpu's CANT do true phsyx calc , they arent designed for it in real time, gpu's shader units are more suited to that work as are the aegna(Sp) ppu cards, tho they where a poor design so they fail it.
CPU's can do it by brute force. It takes a lot more power than it should - thus the gigantic FPS hit. Physx CAN be good, the problem is all the applications/games so far use it to *ADD* new stuff, not accelerate whats already there.

It needs to be:
*Part of the game, works fine via software (if a little slow on max physics, a la fear)
*PHYSICS, not GRAWS 'random debris' - we want interactivity and detail, not useless FPS wasters

PCI was a killer for Ageias cards. GPU can take over, its fancy shaders can do this a lot quicker than a CPU, for a lot less performance loss
Posted on Reply
Gone Fishing
Cannot understand why some people are complaining that you will need two cards, thats what Xfire and SLi is about, it has it's market just like this will, is it not a good idea to have these options? If so then I assume those same people are against CrossfireX and tri SLi, we all have choices!
Posted on Reply
Gone Fishing
EastCoasthandleHA, HA, I knew it, this is going to backfire big time. It appears that one card will not be enough to run PhsyX and the game itself. Which lead us back to what they were doing to begin with, SLI. Which costs more then getting 1 video carda and 1 Phsyx card...way more!
So a bit like CrossfireX then? :D
Posted on Reply
So does this mean if I already own a Physx card and an sli setup that I will have double the Physx power or is my Physx card completly usless? I wonder if they will continue to make the hardware.
Posted on Reply
i get the feeling it will work as it does now, and they plan to NOT make more stand alone cards.

really it would be nice if they made a pci-e 1x 8x00 goy that could be used as a pure ppu when gaming and that could work with other companys products as well.
Posted on Reply
Better Than Native
its great for people like me who have a lower end 8 series card and upgraded to a mig/high end, so we wont have to sell the low one, physx here we come!
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
ChillyMysti get the feeling it will work as it does now, and they plan to NOT make more stand alone cards.

really it would be nice if they made a pci-e 1x 8x00 goy that could be used as a pure ppu when gaming and that could work with other companys products as well.
i agree with that - some small GPU with 64MB?? ram (turbocache??) that works outside of SLI.
Posted on Reply
nvidia could do it, i had it confermed by a friend at AMD that ati was working on that kinda thing till Havoc stoped working on GPU based phsyics :(

they wanted to offer cards like the 1300 and even 1600 range for pci-e 1x as PPU's that could also work in Media pc's as an upgrade(since many of them need low profile cards it would likely have een 64bit memory...but thats still plenty for most 1300 uses)
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