Tuesday, February 19th 2008

Confirmed: 9800GT Will Support 3-Way SLI

Well, really, the title says it all. Everyone buying a 9800GT will get the great and wonderful 3-way SLI technology, should they desire to run three graphics cards in one PC. While the 9800GT does run off of the G92 core, what really sets it apart to allow for three-way SLI is the second SLI connector on each card, and quite a few modifications to the G92 chip. The entire GeForce 9x00 series should be released by the middle of March.
Source: Nordic Hardware
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69 Comments on Confirmed: 9800GT Will Support 3-Way SLI

what rebadge it and sell it as new???? what like the 1600 / 1650 pro??

multi gpu boards are the way of the future guys, just get used to it.
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for all we know there is more rops locked or somin, ya never know
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marsey99what rebadge it and sell it as new???? what like the 1600 / 1650 pro??

multi gpu boards are the way of the future guys, just get used to it.
9800gt is not multi gpu, your thinking of the 9800x2 or whatever it is.

yes just like ati rebadged theirs, same thing different name, but tbh x1600 to x1650 isnt taking the piss tho, it was a newer version . 8800 to 9800 same product and more expensive IS a pisstake!
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
ShinyGPeople are probably afraid that the 9800GT will just be a 8800GT with 3-way SLI...
thats what everyone keeps ranting about, as if all G92 cores are the same.
candle_86for all we know there is more rops locked or somin, ya never know
Me and candle never agree on anything. Take it as a very good idea that we both think the same thing here, there is quite good chances of things being different here. ONLY the core is the same, no mention of ROP's, memory etc yet.
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holy shit we agreed on something, this is a milestone or something :toast:
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Editor & Senior Moderator
9800 GT = 8800 GT + higher clocks + two gold-fingers + DX 10.1 ?
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Freshwater Moderator
For the people who are saying its just an 8800GT with a new sticker - uhh... this thread is labelled 3 way SLI. SO they *ARE* DEFINATELY changing the card.

Edit: i recall it being said no DX10.1
As for everyone saying 8800GT - dont forget the GTS (G92) - its quite a bit more powerful due to more shaders, and we dont know for sure what this new card will have yet.
Posted on Reply
MusselsONLY the core is the same, no mention of ROP's, memory etc yet.
yes we dont know anything, and yeah im sure we all want a good new product.

im just basing my opinion on what i can see nvidia doing from a business view. atm ati is ontop with their price / performance right? nvidia is losing midmarket dominance. so why spend money on building something new, when they can take their winning 8800gt formula, rebrand it..up the price..everyone thinks it the latest new thing so bam! they make money off something they actually spent very little r&d, get it?
Posted on Reply
really last i check my 8800GS creams the 3850 and costs the same, 9600GT is comming and 8800GT sits at 3870 price now. Not to mention the 8600GT is very competive with ATI stuff at the sub 100 market, and the 8500 eats the 2600pro and the 8400GS literly dominates the 2400XT so why would Nvidia actully worry?
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thebeephahaWow... 6 G92 cores... Just wow.
You are getting confused with the 9800GX2...

9800GT = 8800GT with an extra sli finger.... :cry:

Unless Nvidia decides to put some DECENT cooling on it (like a full copper cooler without that gay duct thats nickel plated and comes with more heatpipes and a larger fan), and more phases as well as higher clocks, this card is going to be a flop.

Nvidia are letting AMD catch up from what I can see, even if its not intentional...
Posted on Reply
candle where are you? usa?

uk prices are a little different mate

256mb 3850 is £90.
standard 8800gs is £110, oc'd is around £130
512mb 3870 is £130
512mb 8800gt starts at £150

i did say price / performance, there is a difference with just performance itself
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Editor & Senior Moderator
Likewise, the 8800 GS 768M should outperform the HD3850 512M.
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yeah i seen the review and i thought 'wow what a wkd card for the price' then i realised the figures (for eg.) with crysis were too good to be true cos they were timedemoed not actual gameplay. theres a difference like what [H] or whatever website it was that voiced their opinion about reviewing gfx cards
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well i do good with SP right now lol
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newtekie1Actually G92 is next-gen. G80 was last gen. Why they made some G92 SKUs 8000 series is beyond me. Personally I think they should have just started the 9000 series when the introduction of the G90 cores.
WRONG, thats like saying the 3800 is a totaly new design, when its just a tweaked and shrank 2900 core.......

they arent anything new, nvidia just die shrank the chip and renamed it.....wow thats orignal........same crap nvidiots where giving amd crap for with the 3800 line because its basickly just a slitly reworked/slitly updated shrank 2900.......
choppy9800gt IS 8800gt, its the same core just rebranded as 9 series. nvidia taking the piss thats what it is. fudzilla have an article on this up today.

it does make sense from a business perspective, why would they bother with a new product when the old one does well, with a re-badge they up the price and try pass it off as a new product
probbly slap a larger cooler on it and use the same core as the 8800gt/gts with all its pipes unlocked/working, very likely that they just upp the vcore and use better cooling on the gpu, this has been nvidias tact in the past.

need i remind eveybody of the 6800ultra/7800ultra/7900ultra/exct? they just push the chip to its limmit or neerly so, and cal it a new more powerfull card, common nvidia tactic, im sure the "tweaks" are just some more unlocked pipes........meh i dont really care, i get tired of this every few months them trying to sell me a newer "better" card with "go faster stripes"

screw them, my 8800gt is working fine, and when i replace it, probbly get whatever amd has to offer......i know nvidia isnt gonna fix the driver bugs i and BFG have reported.
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
Yeah... but the 'tweaks' worked - the cards often got cooler, faster, and/or smaller.
OFC they didnt do all three, but if they manage one of the above its an improvement.
Posted on Reply
tkpenaltyYou are getting confused with the 9800GX2...

9800GT = 8800GT with an extra sli finger.... :cry:

Unless Nvidia decides to put some DECENT cooling on it (like a full copper cooler without that gay duct thats nickel plated and comes with more heatpipes and a larger fan), and more phases as well as higher clocks, this card is going to be a flop.

Nvidia are letting AMD catch up from what I can see, even if its not intentional...
maybe they cant do any better?
Posted on Reply
Gone Fishing
The G92 core I beleive will only power up to the mid ranged 9800 series, I read that the 9800GTX will be powered by a new core......lets call it G94 because I cant actually remember in the article I read a few weeks ago what it was actually called.

Also, I think you will find that there may be more unlocked pipes or the potential to add more to the existing architecture in the G92 :D.......the G92 GTS is considerably faster than a 3850 or even a 3870 so for example, if a G92 9800GT came out with another 64pipes plus a GPU voltage of 1.25V stock enabling 900Mhz core speeds, you would be seeing a newgen mid ranged 9800 card faster than the HD3870x2.........is there actually anything wrong in that? sounds OK to me TBH.

But I fully appreciate to a certain extent that is speculation, but lets wait and see before we pass judgment, it has to be faster than the 8800GTS and for a mid ranged card, thats pretty good.........whats the performance difference between the 2900XT and the HD3870???? I dont hear many ATi owners screaming about ATi's last attempts at moving on a generation for what......all of a 5-10% performance increase across the board :p

Sorry....delete pipes, insert SP's and lets call it G96 :)
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Editor & Senior Moderator
Tatty_Onelets call it G94 because I cant actually remember in the article I read a few weeks ago what it was actually called.
G94 = GeForce 9600 GT ;)
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Tatty_OneThe G92 core I beleive will only power up to the mid ranged 9800 series, I read that the 9800GTX will be powered by a new core......lets call it G94 because I cant actually remember in the article I read a few weeks ago what it was actually called.

Also, I think you will find that there may be more unlocked pipes or the potential to add more to the existing architecture in the G92 :D.......the G92 GTS is considerably faster than a 3850 or even a 3870 so for example, if a G92 9800GT came out with another 64pipes plus a GPU voltage of 1.25V stock enabling 900Mhz core speeds, you would be seeing a newgen mid ranged 9800 card faster than the HD3870x2.........is there actually anything wrong in that? sounds OK to me TBH.

But I fully appreciate to a certain extent that is speculation, but lets wait and see before we pass judgment, it has to be faster than the 8800GTS and for a mid ranged card, thats pretty good.........whats the performance difference between the 2900XT and the HD3870???? I dont hear many ATi owners screaming about ATi's last attempts at moving on a generation for what......all of a 5-10% performance increase across the board :p
thats because ATI can do no wrong remember
Posted on Reply
Gone Fishing
candle_86thats because ATI can do no wrong remember
Right!......thought I missed something there :eek:
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
ChillyMystWRONG, thats like saying the 3800 is a totaly new design, when its just a tweaked and shrank 2900 core.......

they arent anything new, nvidia just die shrank the chip and renamed it.....wow thats orignal........same crap nvidiots where giving amd crap for with the 3800 line because its basickly just a slitly reworked/slitly updated shrank 2900.......
I didn't say it was a totally new design. Was the G70 series a totally new design? No, it was a die shrunk and slightly reworked NV40 series. Was it still considered the "Next-Gen" when it came out and given a new numbering series? YES.

Just like the R670(3800 series) is just a die shrunk R600(2900 series), it still got a new numbering series.

At least nVidia actually made the cores better when they did it, and didn't just do a straight die shrink. They changed a lot going from G80 to G92, and I am willing to bet there is a true G90 in the works.

It doesn't have to be totally reworked to be considered "next-gen" or given a totally new naming scheme, BOTH camps have shown that, so don't get all high and mighty bashing one without bashing the other too.
Posted on Reply
my take on this is that the current 8800gt gts and gs range were never meant to be.. they were brought forward and launched under the 8xxx name to take on the ati 3xxx series..

this worked brilliantly.. but leaves nvidia with nothing much left to offer for the new 9xxxx series..

this is also why the lesser 9600 was launched first.. it seemed so good that it left folks expecting way more than they are gonna get from the high end offerings..

but sooner or later the real cards have to be played.. end result some disappointed fans..

if ati have nvidia worried.. its because they have managed to produce roughly the same power for half the fuel cost.. a pretty remarkable achievement however u look at it..

Posted on Reply
Gone Fishing
trog100my take on this is that the current 8800gt gts and gs range were never meant to be.. they were brought forward and launched under the 8xxx name to take on the ati 3xxx series..

this worked brilliantly.. but leaves nvidia with nothing much left to offer for the new 9xxxx series..

this is also why the lesser 9600 was launched first.. it seemed so good that it left folks expecting way more than they are gonna get from the high end offerings..

but sooner or later the real cards have to be played.. end result some disappointed fans..

if ati have nvidia worried.. its because they have managed to produce roughly the same power for half the fuel cost.. a pretty remarkable achievement however u look at it..

I would have to at least slightly disagree, firstly, how could ATi have NVidia worried, NVidia in the last 18 months have outsold ATi 4 fold, secondly, they could have just left the G80 lineup and dropped prices (and still saved on what some would "perceive" as hasty last minute development) and up until a few days ago when the x2 came out would have at least STILL topped the tables with the 8800GTX and Ultra, in fact, in some games the old 8800GTS 640MB is still a match for the HD3870. Ati's fantastic trump card was never going to be the 3870, even without G92......why? because it's performance in many things is too close to the 2900XT, it is it's price/performance ratio that makes it a good card, the real trump is the 3850 that took the low/mid sector by storm and in that price category, NVidia could not compete so perhaps they did release either the 8800GS or the 9600GT quicker to counteract that, but to say that it is NVidia reacting to ATi's movement all the time IMO is shallow otherwise as I said, would ATi have not waited to get a better card out than the 3870 to compete better with NVidia's offerings? Contrary to popular beleif, the majority of consumers are not concerend that the 8800GT draws an extra 35W at load or whatever, they are concerned in 2 things only, which is fastest and what is the price.

Now I happen to think it's a crap time for buying a gfx card, because there is far too much hybrid messed up stuff on offer with too many overlaps in performance, my point here is that we SHOULD NOT just look at performance increases as the way forward but instead.....performance to price ratio improvements, this is why the HD3870 is so appealing over the 2900XT and why the 8800GT/GTS is so appealing over the 8800GTS G80 640MB and 8800GTX G80.

If a next gen card can give us equal performance in a sector at a reduced price that has to be good, otherwise we should always expect to pay more for more if you get my meaning, as I have always said, it's about choices.

I happen to think that ATi at the moment has gotten it right and NVidia's approach is wrong, that much I agree with you, far too much cr*p out there with NVidia and it is putting even NVidia fanboi's off, why buy one of their cards today, when next week you migh get one at the same performance for cheaper.

As for the top end 9800 series.....you may well be right with that one, however, as i said, the 9800GTX is going to have a new core I beleive and that will probably be significantly faster than anything around ATM, also please remember that the GX2 was never going to be the top of the range, the 9800GTX was always going to fill that niche and therefore be faster as I understand it.
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