Wednesday, March 26th 2008

Far Cry 2 Confirmed for Fall 2008 Release

A video with Ubisoft Montreal producer LP Pharand posted on Youtube today, revealed the release plan for the next gen shooter Far Cry 2. The game is being developed from Ubisoft Montreal and will be simultaneously launched on PC, PS3 and X360 this fall. Unfortunately other details surrounding the game and its story remain brief. What's sure is that there will be no mutants or what so ever as it was previously reported.
Source: Far Cry 2 Blog
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19 Comments on Far Cry 2 Confirmed for Fall 2008 Release

cant wait this game looks great especially after watching the trailers
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Oh I didnt know it was on PC also.. I might have to get it :)
Posted on Reply
I wonder how much it is going to cost me to upgrade to be able to play this? I'm excited about it since Far Cry is one of my favorite games of all time.
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Aw I thought it was going to be in the summer.:mad:

You shouldn't need to upgrade anything, maybe your cpu for less bottleneck.
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Im guessing its at stock cause my E2200 can barely function with the stock cooler it sucks so bad lol.. I would get a Xigmatek cooler and get it to 3ghz then you should be fine.
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w00t, i can't wait to see how it performs on my rig.
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the first one was great, im sure this one is going to be even better, looking forward to it
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Served 5k and counting ...
If everyone remembers how much FarCry 1 pushed PC hardware when it was released, this may turn out to be another PC hardware killer.
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I wonder what specs this will require to run properly some super puter me reckon.
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Well thats so far away that most of us, I reckon will have pretty much new puters by then. And don't say you wont! So I'm not worried about my rig just yet :^)
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I don't think theres alot of new hardware coming out between now and then, so it will have to run decently on the stuff we got now. ddr3 will be cheaper and nahalem will be on the horizon, ati's 4000 series will probably be out as well as some more 9xxxs, but nothing huge till the end of the year probably. I could be wrong though, but I'll bet a decent high end rig now could handle it fine. If you got a gphx card earlier than R670 or G92 you might need to upgrade though......

And knowing crytek, its probably not gonna run at like 60fps or anything except for on the best stuff. As long as I get all the eye candy smoothly around 30fps I'll be happy though.
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Graphical Hacker
I cannot wait for this game... Loved the first one... hopefully my computer can run it.
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Thats the 64 millon dollar question i reckon hardware manufacturers will do very well out of it.
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Dudes, the DUNIA engine is much better than the one from Crysis, and also scales down much better. So if youre rig can run Crysis at Medium/High Settings, you shouldn't have any problem running Far Cry 2
farlex85And knowing crytek, its probably not gonna run at like 60fps or anything except for on the best stuff. As long as I get all the eye candy smoothly around 30fps I'll be happy though.
Far Cry = CryTek
Far Cry 2 = Ubisoft

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I wonder when Half Life 3 is going to come out.
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Oh no, well, at least it'll give me more time to buy a XBOX 360 or something.

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Resident Grammar Amender
I really hope this is a multi-threaded game. One that uses more than 2.5 threads. Developers have had enough time to write for multi-cored platforms, and yes it is much harder than writing for a single core I know, but still, I think it's time we put these quads to use y'know?!

I'm really looking forward to this, even if I can't play it's one of the games on my list. Once I've got (if I get) my Nehalem set up I'll be laughing.
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DangleI wonder when Half Life 3 is going to come out.
Hopefully never. :shadedshu Far Cry 2 will blow any game out of the water for the next 2 years, like its predecessor did. Nothing comes close to the visual appeal and realistic experience of this awesome game.
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