Saturday, April 5th 2008

Bill Gates: Windows 7 May Ship Next Year

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said on Friday that Windows 7, the next major version of Windows, could come within the next year, far ahead of the development schedule indicated by the software maker. In response to a question about Windows Vista, Gates, speaking before the Inter-American Development Bank, said: "Sometime in the next year or so we will have a new version." Referring to Blackcomb or Windows 7, the code names for the next full release of Windows client software, Gates said: "I'm super-enthused about what it will do in lots of ways." Previously it was generally believed that Windows 7 OS would ship sometime in year 2010. The current version of Windows, known as Vista, shipped in January 2007. Microsoft's Windows XP is still widely available though, with no plans to be stopped until Windows 7 is released, Microsoft also announced yesterday.
Source: CNET News
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156 Comments on Bill Gates: Windows 7 May Ship Next Year

tigger69Why would they release their "greatest ever os" then rplace it a year later.If they did work on it for 5 years it would be dumb to release another one a year later.

How long have they been working on windows 7 then? 1 yr....

And i've been using vista a long time now,and its not buggy or unresponsive.You wait till you get a bsod on xp and it restarts losing all the work you have open,vista dont do that.
actually, windows 7 has been in the works longer than vista BTW.
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Yes its has but it has beaten them a few times I think, hence Vista. I have being toying with the idea of installing Vista. The only thing left beating me is that from what I read the sound is not hardware accelerated and games are slower.

Years ago I read Microsoft's goal was to replace the API with one that works through directx (directx = direct hardware access). Then they can make things like dotnet run on it and l8r (like in 201?) change the directx layer as much as they like, which will allow hardware people to develop faster with less constraints. I think they realized pretty fast that things like sqlserver and what most programmers do for/in companies in 'the real world' just can not be changed overnight. Now it looks like the solution is they will allow us to run some of the old stuff emulated. The real test though is how well win7(final) runs todays games.
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The Exiled Airman
Whats odd is RC versions were better than final product for vista
asb2106MOST, yes, and its just the cheap ram that can run higher, they stick some heat spreaders on it with the flashy stickers and charge you 3 times more.

Im not too excited about this windows 7.

I guess its because I like Vista, I know alot of people dont, probably quite a few here, but for me it has worked great. I honestly have more troubles getting my hardware to work in XP than I do in Vista.

My hardware is more than adiquite to run Vista lightning fast, I score a 5.9 in the vista rating(shows the scale is almost useless)

My only complaint is transfer speeds when moving large data packets. It can handle a large amount of small packets pretty easily, but it has a hard time with large packets. I have noticed though that SP1 did alot to fix this.

I think its a bad move for MS to dump Vista after all the work they did on it. Its not a bad OS, its just that MS put out way to much hype for it, and they could not deliver.

I see this just like XP back in the day, everyone hated it, but MS stuck with it and did a great job updating and delivering what we needed.

SUMMARY : I like Vista, it will be sad to see it go so fast.:toast:
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asb2106not a chance, you can get kingston, corsair, pretty much any brand you want around that price. I use the corsair value select for all my builds. I have never had one stick fail on me.
Heck, I have cheap Hynix DDR2-667 from Dell. I run 4X 1GB DIMMs overclocked to 800MHz on a 1600FSB and I've never once had problems. Been running like this for 4 months now 24/7.
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spathi with gaming now on most games ya only gettin a few frames ps difference between xp and vista wich if ya go over 60 fps is not noticable and even 3d mark scores are similar.
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agreed i run Vista on my 8600GTS and am not noticeing many issues
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