Saturday, April 5th 2008

Bill Gates: Windows 7 May Ship Next Year

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said on Friday that Windows 7, the next major version of Windows, could come within the next year, far ahead of the development schedule indicated by the software maker. In response to a question about Windows Vista, Gates, speaking before the Inter-American Development Bank, said: "Sometime in the next year or so we will have a new version." Referring to Blackcomb or Windows 7, the code names for the next full release of Windows client software, Gates said: "I'm super-enthused about what it will do in lots of ways." Previously it was generally believed that Windows 7 OS would ship sometime in year 2010. The current version of Windows, known as Vista, shipped in January 2007. Microsoft's Windows XP is still widely available though, with no plans to be stopped until Windows 7 is released, Microsoft also announced yesterday.
Source: CNET News
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156 Comments on Bill Gates: Windows 7 May Ship Next Year

Editor & Senior Moderator
Nyaah, never mind. He's habituated to calling people "Vistards, NVidiots and the likes" maybe using too much Windows ME made him that. Win ME 'transformed' many people :p
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
lol i love vista but thats not to say i dont know were your coming from i used an athlon XP and a duron once to ;) sry i implied you were trying to attack me if that is not how it was ment than that is not how it will be taken but from the posts prior you have to see my reasoning.

o and to be fair i think trip was talking more generally.

However to be fair to you i used to be a mod now im goes to show i have my moments..
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I think it is now official that Microsoft clases Vista as the official failure, no doubt big business's refusal to adopt Vista is the main reason why windows 7 is being brought forward.
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AssimilatorNotice that he didn't say that a new Windows version will be available to consumers next year. I'm pretty sure that in this context, "we" refers to Microsoft and "having a new version" means they will have the core of the OS written. So I'm reading this statement more as, "Microsoft will start internal alpha-testing on Windows 7 sometime in 2009".

Of course, I'd be happy to be proved wrong :D. XP is getting a bit long in the tooth but it still handles all my needs, and there's no way I'm going to Vista just for DX10 that none of my hardware, and a tiny portion of my software, supports.

I just hope that Microsoft delivers on their original promise with Vista and writes Windows 7 in 100% managed code (.NET Framework). That would be the most stable OS ever released, period.
Oh, for the love of... Please, do not tell me having stuff written in .net is a good thing. So far, almost everything that I can think of, from the acer junk to ati's CCC that runs with .net runs like crap. (Not to mention that it takes up gobs and gobs of memory in XP.)

Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
easy guys...were pulling up from a thread that almost got out of control and though im happy that the personall disagreements are over perhaps we should simply carry on with speculation instead of banter about fanboi'ism and how amazing old OS's are...if we dont pick it up or at least keep it were it is the thread will get closed (and who likes seeing the end to a good thing) or perhaps ppl will get banned..or infracted...i say its all just non sense and theirs no reason to simply not disagree or to argue a popint but we should all including myself try with a little less color so this thread doesnt draw unwanted attention..
Posted on Reply
ManofGodOh, for the love of... Please, do not tell me having stuff written in .net is a good thing. So far, almost everything that I can think of, from the acer junk to ati's CCC that runs with .net runs like crap. (Not to mention that it takes up gobs and gobs of memory in XP.)

.net isnt bad, but how its used by most companys is, look at stuff like nlite, its .net based, and its very good(a challange anybody to proove its not)

.net like any other language has its good and bad uses/points, unfortunetly most of what u see is the bad side :/

.net is like java, if not done well and properly it sucks ass
Posted on Reply
Solaris17lol i love vista but thats not to say i dont know were your coming from i used an athlon XP and a duron once to ;) sry i implied you were trying to attack me if that is not how it was ment than that is not how it will be taken but from the posts prior you have to see my reasoning.

o and to be fair i think trip was talking more generally.

However to be fair to you i used to be a mod now im goes to show i have my moments..
sall good, i have used alot of systems, infact my linux box is an OLD hp 6535 with a celeron 466 and 512mb pc66 ram, (acctualy pc100 but same diff) its amazingly fast with vector soho, infact it rivles my main rig for how fast it pulls stuff up on the screen :) (open office loads faster on it then on windows o.O )
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
BumbRushsall good, i have used alot of systems, infact my linux box is an OLD hp 6535 with a celeron 466 and 512mb pc66 ram, (acctualy pc100 but same diff) its amazingly fast with vector soho, infact it rivles my main rig for how fast it pulls stuff up on the screen :) (open office loads faster on it then on windows o.O )
i just did a reveiw of elive (installed) on an old 700mhz laptop with 10GB HDD and 128MB ram and it booted way faster than my rig..and i swear gimp loaded in less than 30sec..i had gimp on my rig once and it took prob less than a min but way more than was noticable to say the least :(
Posted on Reply
btarunrNyaah, never mind. He's habituated to calling people "Vistards, NVidiots and the likes" maybe using too much Windows ME made him that. Win ME 'transformed' many people :p
but your an admited nvidiot(see link below) and clearly newtekie1 is a closit/in dennial one....

sall good, just need people around to balance you out and slap you around when you say nvidia is flawless and dose no wrong(need i bring up the fx line? )
Posted on Reply
Solaris17i just did a reveiw of elive (installed) on an old 700mhz laptop with 10GB HDD and 128MB ram and it booted way faster than my rig..and i swear gimp loaded in less than 30sec..i had gimp on my rig once and it took prob less than a min but way more than was noticable to say the least :(
yeah, try VectorSOHO, its sweet for work boxes, vector is slackware based, highly optimized, very stable, and comes with all you really need to do "Small Office Home Office" work, honestly i have been very impressed with its progress since i found it on distro watch a couple years back, its the one distro that could possably get me to dual boot linux on here once the 64bit versions out of beta stages.
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
i have vector on a disk someware with like 40 other flavors i should give it a try sometime. not sure if its the SOHO version but maybe hell i dont even remember what version it is anymore its been a few years since i burned it.
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
im on it thnx :)
Posted on Reply
I hope Win7 does release in 2009 and I hope it is good.

Until then, I'm happy with XP64.
Posted on Reply
These guys gotta be clowning around! Vista is still far from perfect and they want to release another OS? I know they gotta make money, but come on, M$ is killing me! I have Vista on my laptop and honestly I do not think it is a step forward for the business. DX 10 is a joke because the differences in graphics quality are underwhelming and there is also the fact that many games compatible with XP and earlier OS's refuse to work on Vista altogether. Aero is alright, but I don't need a bunch of eye candy on the desktop that sucks up memory. Seriously, if I want it to look pretty I will add a good wallpaper to the desktop, lol! The hard drive indexing slows the whole computer and honestly isn't that useful. Shoot, the only reason I have it is because it is cheaper to buy a laptop with Vista than one with XP right out the box. I just find it disgusting that M$ wants to release another OS when the latest one they have out still has a bunch of kinks to work out. It's just ridiculous.......
Posted on Reply
Eric3988These guys gotta be clowning around! Vista is still far from perfect and they want to release another OS?
that an only mean that they have accepted defeat and moved on.
Posted on Reply
I have yet to find any games that don't work on least games that I far ALL of them work just fine. I don't use indexing...hell I'm even using 64-bit Vista atm...and really it's quick and issue free. I've yet to see a BSOD, or any severe issues that I did last year when I tried x86 Ultimate for 7 months...

SP1 seemed to help there, x64 is stable as hell, I think more people should try it out.

But that's also another thing, you should try Vista before you buy Vista if may not be for you. I don't need that gets turned off, and a few other small changes, aside from that it works fine and has treated me well so far since I installed x64 a couple weeks ago or was a test install, but I have no real reason to go back to XP after seeing how well this Vista install is going.

It's gotta be tough to make new technology compatable and many others have said, if you guys were voicing opinions back in the newly released Windows XP days...the pissing and moaning was about the same as it is now about Vista...I can't blame ya, and I can blame MS for not sorting some of those issues out better and more we can hope that Windows 7 works out quite well...but time will tell...and I'm sure it'll have all sorts of issues, incompatabilities and stuff to give the complainers a whole new OS to hate...things do take time even after release to get the final polish and support they need...even modern games aren't bug-free after release, welcome to the modern industry we push harder and harder to get more done faster because "we gotta have it NOW". That's just how it is, and I'm glad XP support is being extended, because after all these years it turned out to be a pretty good OS, and Vista is on it's way in that direction..will it take 7 years? Who knows...

Posted on Reply
i agree with revenas, the os defidently got say too bloated, they put useless shit like the sidebar in it and added dumb services that when u turn off annoyences like uac, services break and stop u from doing things on the os that you should be able to do no matter what, ie: access the control panel.
before i get into the slug fest of vista vs blah blah, pros n cons and all of that jargon. let me say, ive gone through four upgrades since vistas release just so i knew when it came time to switch over, my system wouldnt run well like those 512mb notebooks u see poor unsuspecting customers buying with vista basics on em.
im happy that theirs another os release, now i have the choice of stepping over vista and i know that my specs will not be a worry when i leave the comfort of xp sp2 :)

its a shame that vista has had all these problems, back when i only had a 500mhz celeron pc, to my suprise, the beta of vista ( it was a longhorn beta ) ran far better for me on that machine then my xp sp 1 ever did, so to see the final release come in unnessecary flavors and bloated to the wazoo was a dissapointment, but only made me realise that i needed to stay more current with hardware to be able to use the os. lets hope that the next windows has better compatability with propiretry programs ( like retail apps, ect ) but can stay resource minimal and still provide good security and product support.

anyone heard anything recently on when xp sp3 will be finalised and released?
Posted on Reply
Vista and Windows 7 are very close cousins. Windows Vista is Windows 7 with half of the features pulled. Windows 7 will use NT Kernal 6 possibly 6.0 but not likly. In 2003 Windows Blackcomb had to be broken apart because a few of the goals where not likly at that time. Windows Vista was created at this time to release the stuff that worked, but the OS suffered as the code was split from Blackcomb the original codename, now known as Windows Vienna. So do not expect a revolution expect an evoulution akin to XP over 2000, and anyone with sense can tell you XP and 2000 are the same Core OS, XP just has a few extra features but at the core its the same. Also 2gb is the norm today even in OEM desktops go to wal-mart for instance and look, every single one i looked at said 2gb of ram. Also with intergrated graphics equal to the older 6600 or x700 its looking better and better as this means they can properly handle the 3d interface better, which from the project goals of Blackcomb before the split mention a radical depature from the start menu, if this is true, the only possibilty is a 3d rendered desktop.

IF you remember 2000 had crappy driver support and alot of problems in its infancy with SP2 to 2000 it became the stable OS we know. XP had the same problems but at its core it had the fixes of 2000 SP2 in it making it just as good as 2000, via with more crashes due to problems but the funny part is, every crash i got in XP Gold or XP SP1 was related to something i did, old Windows 98 programs mainly.

But if you expect Windows 7 to replace Vista or replace her, your dead wrong, they are the same OS, Vienna is what Vista was meant to be untill the corprate world and the stock holders wanted to see the tangible early.
Posted on Reply
qwerty_leshi agree with revenas, the os defidently got say too bloated, they put useless shit like the sidebar in it and added dumb services that when u turn off annoyences like uac, services break and stop u from doing things on the os that you should be able to do no matter what, ie: access the control panel.
before i get into the slug fest of vista vs blah blah, pros n cons and all of that jargon. let me say, ive gone through four upgrades since vistas release just so i knew when it came time to switch over, my system wouldnt run well like those 512mb notebooks u see poor unsuspecting customers buying with vista basics on em.
im happy that theirs another os release, now i have the choice of stepping over vista and i know that my specs will not be a worry when i leave the comfort of xp sp2 :)

its a shame that vista has had all these problems, back when i only had a 500mhz celeron pc, to my suprise, the beta of vista ( it was a longhorn beta ) ran far better for me on that machine then my xp sp 1 ever did, so to see the final release come in unnessecary flavors and bloated to the wazoo was a dissapointment, but only made me realise that i needed to stay more current with hardware to be able to use the os. lets hope that the next windows has better compatability with propiretry programs ( like retail apps, ect ) but can stay resource minimal and still provide good security and product support.

anyone heard anything recently on when xp sp3 will be finalised and released?
Longhorn Beta program, yes those where the good days, but a few things to remember since then. Aero was not active yet, DX10 was not active yet. These both came with Longhorn Beta 2 and if anyone remembers Beta2 they remember the absolute hell of making it run right. Vista Beta 1 build 5319 was the most stable but also lacked Vista, the Kernal version was 5.2 still, Kernal 6 arrived with Beta 2, and if your wondering Kernal 5.2 was built to test Vista on, not run the advanced features. What we are dealing with Vista is the Kernal version and its teething
Posted on Reply
BumbRushand what os today isnt?

every os today that is bloated compared to the past.

this includes all the most popular linux distrobutions.

they come with shit you dont need/want, most dont let you choose not to install it....blah

mac os comes with crap that i would yank out.

i hope this style of posting is better then earlyer posts.
I disagree, and obviously you haven't used Linux long enough. You note particular things but have yet to back up anything you have said? I can get clean OEM Windows software and still find it to be bloated. You in particular think I'm talking about software.

#1 on Windows bloated list is registry.
Posted on Reply
Solaris17codename for vista was longhorn
Codename for Vista should have been ME.

I have a dual boot and I like Aero and the new folder browsing and a few other features. I used to like certain aspects of ME like no drivers for USB jump drives and ummm well you get the point. Definitely a stop-gap if you ask me. I see a big performance hit in games but that's about it.
Posted on Reply
1c3d0g:shadedshu Learn to read. I never said Vista wasn't good for anything, in fact I'm running it right now as my main and only O.S. It's still the best O.S. that came out of Redmond, IMO, regardless of what some may say. But the Vista that was promised years ago (WinFS etc.) didn't materialize. That was - and still is - a disappointment to many.

I hope, for M$'s own sake, that they will do things right with Windows 7. They have an incredible potential to make revolutionary software, but it only comes when they're under pressure (kind of like Intel, if AMD screws up you get Netburst, if AMD succeeds you get an angry Intel with a kick-ass CPU). Now that the competition is heating up, I'm quite confident that Microsoft can deliver a knock-out punch with its newest O.S. Now I can't wait for 2009! :rockout:
it was not aimed at you, it was a general tone to the thread, and my response thereafter. so plz dont take it as a direct attack. lol
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BumbRush, the name calling needs to stop all around. You sound a lot like someone else, nevertheless you make good valid points in many cases, but using the colorful adjectives for people should be stopped.
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Oliver_FFNothing at all if you've got a half decent desktop rig.

Everything and anything if you've got a run-of-the-mill desktop you brought from Dell when it was on offer...
Why? That doesn't make any sense.

I have a 3.0Ghz P4 2600XT system which runs Vista perfectly, and a 2.4Ghz P4 FX 5200 system that runs it with just a little lag.

I didn't think I could get Vista to work well on the latter system, because it's about 5 years old, but it works fine.
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