Monday, April 14th 2008

ASUS Launches Three New DirectX 10 Ready Motherboards
The ASUS' Intel G35 chipset motherboards allow users to enjoy enhanced Microsoft Vista DirectX 10 graphics on a motherboard solution "right out of the box". This series of motherboards are the world's first to provide an Intel platform with an onboard integrated VGA solution that features built-in support for Windows Vista DirectX 10.ASUS' unceasing drive towards offering the latest and the best technology to users has brought about this series of motherboards; which feature enhanced graphical support to allow users to experience a whole dimension in realistic gaming through more life-like character animations and special effects for true-to-life gaming.
Models that support this unique feature include the ASUS P5E-V HDMI, P5E-VM HDMI and the P5E-VM SE motherboards.
Models that support this unique feature include the ASUS P5E-V HDMI, P5E-VM HDMI and the P5E-VM SE motherboards.
21 Comments on ASUS Launches Three New DirectX 10 Ready Motherboards
G35 130$ OMG
780G 95$
I took my HD 3450 out of my HTPC and it still runs like a charm with the HD 3200 onboard and plays HD movies on a 56'' screen blazing fast.
Seriously it is. Unless your are using a special configuration to utilize your GPU.;)
Avivo, Powerdvd with Purevideo HD support etc.
*opens the box*
"Huh!? why did it bundle two tubes, clamps and why does the motherboard have two holes in the middle?" :confused:
IGP is a gimmick if you're into gaming, unless these new ones offer true performance, which I doubt. The only good thing I can think of is if you have to RMA your graphics card, you can just about survive on your IGP in the meantime, for your basic needs. But then again, a cheap DX10 card (e.g. geforce 8400GS for $30) will probably do a better job. <- is for AM2+ though.
AMD do have a winner with the 780g, but it dont mean these are useless for movies.