Monday, May 26th 2008

Next-gen NVIDIA GeForce Specs Unveiled, Part 2

Although it's a bit risky to post information taken from unknown for me sources, not to mention that the site is German, it's worth trying. The guys over at Gamezoom (Google translated) reported yesterday that during NVIDIA's Editors Day, the same place where the F@H project for NVIDIA cards and the buyout of RayScale were announced, NVIDIA has also unveiled the final specs for its soon to be released GT200 cards. This information comes to complement our previous Next-gen NVIDIA GeForce Specs Unveiled story:
  • GeForce GTX 280 will feature 602MHz/1296MHz/1107MHz core/shader/memory clocks, 240 stream processors, 512-bit memory interface, and GDDR3 memory as already mentioned.
  • GeForce GTX 260 will come with 576MHz/999MHz/896MHz reference clock speeds, 192 stream processors, 448-bit memory interface and GDDR3 memory
The prices are 449 U.S. dollars for the GTX 260 and more than 600$ for the GeForce 280 GTX. That's all for now.
Source: Gamezoom
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108 Comments on Next-gen NVIDIA GeForce Specs Unveiled, Part 2

Six hundred dollars!!! :eek: awww..

Specs look good, but man.. NVidia is hunting for fat wallets again :twitch:
Posted on Reply
huh...$600+ :shadedshu

It better be the best dang thing ever. They just seem to be asking for it this time. I don't see how that price will cut mustard at all, especially with the fabled 4870x2 @ $500. Hopefully that price will talk the talk of how much of a monster it will be.
Posted on Reply
Wow the GTX280 is a true monster. 600 dollars is not too much if you compare the price that had one 8800 ultra some years ago. And the 8800 Ultra black pearl or the Evga 8800 Ultra superclocked ? The most expensive cards ever sell.
Posted on Reply
Ridiculous prices again - I really hope ATi wipe the floor with those idiots at nVidia this time.
v-zeroRidiculous prices again - I really hope ATi wipe the floor with those idiots at nVidia this time.
at least with price/perf. they will;common user don't buy the high-end cards and the 5-600$ cards are good for e-penis and records...
Posted on Reply
for everyone bitching about the price. Remember when the x800/x850 came out?
Remember the 8800 ultra? It was like $800. The GTX was around $600 as well.
Prices will come down, everything is always uber expensive at launch...
Posted on Reply
laszloat least with price/perf. they will;common user don't buy the high-end cards and the 5-600$ cards are good for e-penis and records...
Well said, mate! Besides, what does one need such a graphics card for? I`m running every single game (except Crysis course) on high at 1920 x 1200 with a 8800GT 512Mb. And there`s the fact that more and more developers are abandoning the PC platform :(
Posted on Reply
Price bitching is fine & all but if its not faster than the 4870x2 then its worthless, & no I don't care about comparing a 2 gpu setup to 1. It may cost them that much to produce it but it should atleast included GDDR5 instead of sticking with the stuff they've been using for the last 3 yrs.
Posted on Reply
Black Hades
Well if it's going to have a 3% to 6% advantage performance wise against the 4xxx then I guess the price is justified. We'll just wait to see.

I wont line NVIDIA's pockets anymore with my cash, as long as ATi's products can play all the new games at max settings while costing less.

On paper ATi looks better, nobody can deny that, but in real life games are mostly designed in partnership with NVIDIA. Games made specifically for ATi products run much better on ATi what a surprise...

Makes you think a bit of what's more important, making big and bad GPU's or optimizing the software
Posted on Reply
Senior Editor & Case Reviewer
whats with the GTX 260?

33% more shaders, but clocked 35% slower than the shaders on the 8800 GTX...I somehow fail to see how this card will massively pwn the 8800 GTX at twice the current price...maybe it overclocks well? We europeans can expect a price of 399 and 599 Euros when the cards hit. way to much for my taste.

Posted on Reply
wow $600 is a bit steep, wonder has that'll translate into pounds over here. I reckon £400 :(

Here's an interesting comparison chart:

If the 4870 is nearlly as fast as the GTX280 it'll be a much better buy I think.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
Black HadesWell if it's going to have a 3% to 6% advantage performance wise against the 4xxx then I guess the price is justified. We'll just wait to see.

I wont line NVIDIA's pockets anymore with my cash, as long as ATi's products can play all the new games at max settings while costing less.

On paper ATi looks better, nobody can deny that, but in real life games are mostly designed in partnership with NVIDIA. Games made specificaly for ATi products run much better on ATi what a surprise...

Makes you think a bit of what's more important, making big and bad GPU's or optimizing the software
I totally agree. you have totally hit the nail on the head
Posted on Reply
from what oli_ramsay post...

ati/amd are better from design :D
Posted on Reply
Darksaberwhats with the GTX 260?

33% more shaders, but clocked 35% slower than the shaders on the 8800 GTX...I somehow fail to see how this card will massively pwn the 8800 GTX at twice the current price...maybe it overclocks well? We europeans can expect a price of 399 and 599 Euros when the cards hit. way to much for my taste.

Dude.. it's 50% more. How did you get to 33%? And you should compare it to the 8800 GTS which it has 100% more. The shader clock is irelevant seeing as 65nm can get you 2000Mhz.
Posted on Reply
adrianxfrom what oli_ramsay post...

ati/amd are better from design :D
They sure do, nearlly 1/2 the price and nearlly 100 watts less power consumption which is an important thing to consider with energy prices relentlessly shooting up.

Just hope they perform well, can't wait for some benchies :D
Posted on Reply
It seems nvidia really thinks they must have something special here. Although i guess considering the card lineup the price and such should be about right with the GTX260 sitting above the 9800GX2 and the GTX280 sitting above that. The prices actually make sense. Price doesn't matter as much to the target audience of these cards and this way nvidia might be able to say they have the fastest GPU's in the world.
Posted on Reply
Now I am about to have enough! Can't any one wait for a little while and see the street prices and real world performance before comparing products? C'mon guys! Who cares wich cards is the best 1 month before it hits the market?

For my part, I don'T. When I see real world performances and I can select the card at my favorite online stores, then and then only will I have an opinion on any cards or products from any manufacturer.

The only thing we KNOW for now, and this may not even be true (I hope it is), is that either the 48xx or the gt2xx will be better than wath we have rigth now, but not as good as wath will be available in 6 to 8 months

Posted on Reply
Yet again I see "GT200" which doesn't exit...
It's G200.
Posted on Reply
Cold Storm
I spent 600+ on my card, not because of the E-penis, but I was going SLI ether way to try things out. So, I think If needed, Id get one of these cards at the same price. But, I just hope for others that the price will be difference with others...
Posted on Reply
Senior Editor & Case Reviewer
WeerDude.. it's 50% more. How did you get to 33%? And you should compare it to the 8800 GTS which it has 100% more. The shader clock is irelevant seeing as 65nm can get you 2000Mhz.
LOL let me rephrase that :D

The 8800 GTX has 2/3 of the shaders (128 instead of 192) but those are 35% faster (stock). So that leaves a bit of extra performance for the 260 just looking at the shaders, of course I am not considering GPU design an so on...could be that the 260 blows the 88gtx to pieces...

time will tell ^^

Posted on Reply
Ati can just RUN the games, but how he run the games everybody knows. Between the playable ( around 50fps ) and the unplayable ( Under the 60 fps ) but nothing special.

Why I have to purchase a card that is all right only in the benchmarks ? :banghead::banghead:

Posted on Reply
AnimalpakAti can just RUN the games, but how he run the games everybody knows. Between the playable ( around 50fps ) and the unplayable ( Under the 60 fps ) but nothing special.
don't understand what you mean playable 50 and unplayable under 60?

all games with 30 fps are playable;human eye don't see the the frames above 25 fps maybe you have some special implants (from Nvidia) and you have reached the 50 fps target as minimum,good for you and good for us who play above 30 and under 60 and we're happy with it.
Posted on Reply
There's a huge difference in SP throughput compared to G80:
128SPs (MADD) @ 1.35GHz

240SPs (MADD+MUL) @ 1.296GHz
That's exactly 2.7 times that of G80.

By the looks of your graphs you have the gaming card (8800Ultra). HD3870X2 is the benchmarking card.
Posted on Reply
hatfor everyone bitching about the price. Remember when the x800/x850 came out?
Remember the 8800 ultra? It was like $800. The GTX was around $600 as well.
Prices will come down, everything is always uber expensive at launch...
The problem with opinion is that back then the performance increase was needed. As it stands now, the added performance increase is not needed at such a high premium. A lot of high end card owners aren't over-clocking like they did in days past. That's a pure indicator that we have plateau'd above average frame rates in most games. Sure, e-peen dictates higher FPS is better then what you get now. However, having a card that can play games at above average frame rates without even overclocking (in most cases) would be hard pressed to buy a card that cost $600+.
Posted on Reply
Graphical Hacker
That is too much for me to pay! Why would you spend that much money?
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