Tuesday, June 24th 2008
Malicious Trojan Horse Plagues Apple Mac OS Users
Nowadays everyone will tell you that most virus, spyware, malware and other malicious definitions are written solely for Windows, but it appears that times have changed a bit. Security experts are warning now about a new Trojan horse released in the wild, targeting Apple operating systems or more specifically Mac OS X Tiger and Leopard (version 10.4 and 10.5). In addition to the usual stuff a trojan can do (run in background, open ports, steal your passwords, replicate etc.) this one can also log what you type in every moment, take screenshots of your active desktop and even take a picture of you using Mac's built-in iSight camera. Here's how it works: AppleScript.THT comes either as a 3.1MB application dubbed AStht_v06 or as a 60KB compiled AppleScript script called ASthtv05. Once started on a Mac OS system it adds itself to the System Login Items and thus runs with root privileges every time the OS is started. Once the system is infected AppleScript.THT also moves itself into the /Library/Caches/ folder. To protect your system against this threat, security experts advice to run SecureMac MacScan 2.5.2 anti-virus software with the latest Spyware Definitions update (2008011). More details on the malicious code and additional removal instructions are posted here.
TG Daily
39 Comments on Malicious Trojan Horse Plagues Apple Mac OS Users
Certainly knew this was coming though, and the trojans that will become more and more prevalent on our communication devices concern me as well...:twitch:
MS 1 apple 0
candle_86 the announcement is from a Mac security software company therefore your point is invalid. I STILL haven't heard of any Mac Trojan/Virus announcement that isn't accompanied by an Antivirus software companies name or product.
Windows PC users are tired of hearing how secure it is and take every opportunity to bash Mac OS X's security every chance they get regardless of how valid it really is.
IDEA? lets make some viruses then sell a product that can get rid of them we'll be rich!!.
Sorry but this is my theory on viruses.
Maybe we should sheath our swords and work together to elliminate this kind of BS and then get back to our normal, fun, OS trashing.
Just a suggestion.
Where is your god now? :D
And it is still virus free. This is a Trojan. Meaning that you have to purposely download and run it. Completely different from a Virus.
Although I have to say, it won't be long before OS X does have viruses I think. I think it's gained enough popularity that it may be become a regular target. Albeit still less frequently than Windows I would imagine.
The trojan taking a picture of the user :roll: ...