Tuesday, July 8th 2008

Playstation 3 Firmware Update 2.41 Posted

After last week's fiasco involving the 2.40 firmware update, Sony has launched the 2.41 update. No added features, just that issues brought up with the previous update are said to be fixed.

Sony is positive that all bugs with the previous update have been fixed. In a statement, they say: "As many of you know, we released PS3 firmware update v2.40 last week, but had to take it offline temporarily because, for a limited number of users, the XMB wouldn't display after the update was installed," said Eric Lempel, Sony's PlayStation Network Operations Director. "We've been able to fix the problem, and I'm happy to report that firmware update v2.41 will be released shortly. We want to extend our apologies to the PlayStation community for any inconvenience."

For details on how to update, please visit this page.

Good Luck.
Source: Sony
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35 Comments on Playstation 3 Firmware Update 2.41 Posted

100% of the people I know who own a ps3 messed theirs up with the update ;)
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
I think I will wait a day or two before downloading this one. Though I downloaded 2.40 and didn't have any issues with it.
chron"for a limited number of users, the XMB wouldn’t display"

Wasn't there like a 60 page thread at the ps3 forums? I'd say the number of users affected was limited to the number of ps3's sold.
Please don't troll.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1Please don't troll.
I'm not. I'm simply pointing out how sony is trying to downplay a major screw up. Trolling would have been me posting something about how the 360 is better and ps3 owners aren't as intelligent as 360 owners etcetera, etcetera.

lighten up
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
chronI'm not. I'm simply pointing out how sony is trying to downplay a major screw up. Trolling would have been me posting something about how the 360 is better and ps3 owners aren't as intelligent as 360 owners etcetera, etcetera.

lighten up
You don't have to mention a competitor to troll. Making inaccurate statements meant to bash one company trying to get a rise out of people so they will argue is trolling. That is exactly what you did. You posted a comment trying to start an argument, that is trolling.

It really was a limitted number of people, less than 1% of PS3 owners were affected by the problem. That is a lot different from every PS3 owner like you implied.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
Haven't had a single issue with mine since 2.40. Haven't used it all that much other than Folding and streaming playlists from my PC.
Posted on Reply
chron"for a limited number of users, the XMB wouldn’t display"

Wasn't there like a 60 page thread at the ps3 forums? I'd say the number of users affected was limited to the number of ps3's sold.
Wrong. My PS3 didn't experience any faults after the upgrade.

Also, to the downplay comment...What company doesn't try to downplay something bad? lol...
Posted on Reply
newtekie1You don't have to mention a competitor to troll. Making inaccurate statements meant to bash one company trying to get a rise out of people so they will argue is trolling. That is exactly what you did. You posted a comment trying to start an argument, that is trolling.

It really was a limitted number of people, less than 1% of PS3 owners were affected by the problem. That is a lot different from every PS3 owner like you implied.
I wasn't trying to start an argument, but now you obviously are, so who's really trolling here? Don't troll. Naughty naughty.

Anyways - the number of people affected was way lower than I thought initially. I know two people who had this issue, and they're the only two people I know with ps3s.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
chronI wasn't trying to start an argument, but now you obviously are, so who's really trolling here? Don't troll. Naughty naughty.

Anyways - the number of people affected was way lower than I thought initially. I know two people who had this issue, and they're the only two people I know with ps3s.
Yes, you were trying to start an argument, otherwise you wouldn't have come into a topic about the PS3 and started bashing it.

Ignorance of the facts doesn't mean you can come into a topic, make wild inaccurate negative statements against what the topic is about, and then say later "well I didn't mean to start and argument".
Posted on Reply
newtekie1Yes, you were trying to start an argument, otherwise you wouldn't have come into a topic about the PS3 and started bashing it.

Ignorance of the facts doesn't mean you can come into a topic, make wild inaccurate negative statements against what the topic is about, and then say later "well I didn't mean to start and argument".
wow, I've never seen anyone get so angry over so little. Meanwhile, you post in another thread that x38 and x48 chipsets don't support 3 pci-e lanes? LMFAO Give me a break. :nutkick:
Posted on Reply
chronwow, I've never seen anyone get so angry over so little. Meanwhile, you post in another thread that x38 and x48 chipsets don't support 3 pci-e lanes? LMFAO Give me a break. :nutkick:
Give me a break and stop trolling this thread. Every post you have made in this thread is trying to ignite an argument.
Posted on Reply
RavenasGive me a break and stop trolling this thread. Every post you have made in this thread is trying to ignite an argument.
Actually it's just me responding. I didn't realize I was TROLLING and I honestly wasn't trying to argue. It's just that with what I saw, I thought the problem was WAAAAY bigger than it actually was.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
chronwow, I've never seen anyone get so angry over so little. Meanwhile, you post in another thread that x38 and x48 chipsets don't support 3 pci-e lanes? LMFAO Give me a break. :nutkick:
I'm going to correct you, give you some facts, and then leave this topic and never come back.

I didn't say the x38 and x48 chipsets don't support 3 PCI-E lanes, that would be an extremely small number of PCI-E lanes to support. I said the x38 and x48 chipsets only support 2 PCI-E slots(refering to graphics slots), and I was correct. See here. Notice the little section on the specs labeled: "External Graphics Interface"? What does it say next to it? Yep, 2x16 or Two slots with 16 PCI-E Lanes each.

So what have you learned today? If you are going to try and pick a fight, don't. If you do pick a fight, make sure you actually know what you are talking about before you hit the "Submit Reply" button.
Posted on Reply
no you know what, dont come back and either will I. You're just being argumentative over asbolutely nothing. You got your facts wrong, now you're trying to add stuff as if people will know what you MEANT to say.

also, just so people don't think I'm full of it and giving this guy a hard time, this is a copy and paste of his post along with the post he was repling to:

by: DOM;875642
why only 2 pci-e :wtf:

Because that is all the x48/x38 chipset will support.

so EXCUSE me newtekie that you never mentioned anything about graphic slots, and that using common sense while reading your post would indicate that you were stating that the x48 and x38 chipsets supported "only 2 pci-e " :wtf:

Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
chronno you know what, dont come back and either will I. You're just being argumentative over asbolutely nothing. You got your facts wrong, now you're trying to add stuff as if people will know what you MEANT to say.

also, just so people don't think I'm full of it and giving this guy a hard time, this is a copy and paste of his post along with the post he was repling to:

by: DOM;875642
why only 2 pci-e :wtf:

Because that is all the x48/x38 chipset will support.

so EXCUSE me newtekie that you never mentioned anything about graphic slots, and that using common sense while reading your post would indicate that you were stating that the x48 and x38 chipsets supported "only 2 pci-e " :wtf:

And if you look at what DOM was referring to, it is clear he was talking about Graphics ports, as the board has more than 2 PCI-E slots, it only has 2 PCI-E Graphics slots. Common sense tells you that if I'm responding to DOM and DOM is talking about Graphics slots, then I too am talking about graphics slots. It is actually a pretty easy logic to follow.

Now your just grasping at straws to try and make yourself look better.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1And if you look at what DOM was referring to, it is clear he was talking about Graphics ports, as the board has more than 2 PCI-E slots, it only has 2 PCI-E Graphics slots. Common sense tells you that if I'm responding to DOM and DOM is talking about Graphics slots, then I too am talking about graphics slots. It is actually a pretty easy logic to follow.

Now your just grasping at straws to try and make yourself look better.
The board only has 2 pci-e x16 slots and 2 pci-e x1 slots. I did some assumption of my own (believe it or not) and decided he wasn't complaining about the 2 pci-e x1 slots, but rather the x16 slots. All you said was x48 and x38 only supported 2, which is wrong. They support 3. Nobody mentioned anything about graphics slots, only pci-e slots.

So, actually, you're the one grasping at straws man. Nothing I've said is technically wrong. The number of users affected by the ps3 update can only be limited by the number of units sold, and there is a 60 page thread on the issue. <Not a wrong statement technically.

So go back, fix your post, you screwed up. I'm sorry if I've made you irritated over this, but I simply was correcting an incomplete statement.
Posted on Reply
chronSo, actually, you're the one grasping at straws man. Nothing I've said is technically wrong. The number of users affected by the ps3 update can only be limited by the number of units sold, and there is a 60 page thread on the issue. <Not a wrong statement technically.
Why don't you link us to the forum. Furthermore, you said it affected every PS3 owner...60 page forum...Even if every person who posted in that topic had the problem, that doesn't equal 14 million owners.
Posted on Reply
RavenasWhy don't you link us to the forum. Furthermore, you said it affected every PS3 owner...60 page forum...Even if every person who posted in that topic had the problem, that doesn't equal 14 million owners.
"I'd say the number of users affected was limited to the number of ps3's sold."

I didnt say every owner was affected. It was more or less just a joke. Wow.

and the link is on techpowerup's frontpage

here you go:
A thread at the official Playstation 3 forums is currently over 60-pages and is filled with a number of ranting PS3 owners.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
chronThe board only has 2 pci-e x16 slots and 2 pci-e x1 slots.
Actually, it has 3 PCI-E x1 slots.
chronI did some assumption of my own (believe it or not) and decided he wasn't complaining about the 2 pci-e x1 slots, but rather the x16 slots.
You mean the 3 PCI-E x1 slots? And you are admitting that you assumed from the beginning that DOM was talking about the x16 slots. So why is it hard to follow, when I quoted his post in my response, that I also was talking about the x16 slots?
chronAll you said was x48 and x38 only supported 2, which is wrong.
Yes I said that. No, it is not wrong. The x38/x48 chipset only supports 2 PCI-E x16 slots. Did you even look at the specs for the chipsets?
chronThey support 3.
No, they don't, they only support 2. Look at the specs.
chronNobody mentioned anything about graphics slots, only pci-e slots.
But you just said you assumed DOM was talking about the x16 slots(AKA Graphics Slots, they are the same thing). Keep your story straight, it starting to unraval.
chronSo, actually, you're the one grasping at straws man.
No, I'm not, clearly.
chronNothing I've said is technically wrong.
Actually, a lot of what you have said is technically wrong.
chronThe number of users affected by the ps3 update can only be limited by the number of units sold, and there is a 60 page thread on the issue. <Not a wrong statement technically.
Actually, if you want to get technical, it can be limitted by the number of people that downloaded the update, not only the number of PS3s sold. However, that isn't what your original statement was. Your original statement implied that every PS3 owner was affected You have changed your statement, but I quoted so you can never truly erase it.
chronSo go back, fix your post, you screwed up.
Where have I screwed up again?
chronI'm sorry if I've made you irritated over this, but I simply was correcting an incomplete statement.
No, you were simply trolling.
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
Ehm? :confused:

Perhaps you should post in this thread: Rampage Extreme Pics

Or perhaps not post at all, (the argument, I mean).
Posted on Reply
newtekie1Actually, it has 3 PCI-E x1 slots

everything you've said here is complete mindless dribble. In fact, DOM has replied showing system specs at foxconn's website listing an x48 chipset as having 3 pci-e 2.0 x16 slots.

You're losing your mind. Stand up and walk away from the computer. You've lost the argument. I've proven you wrong. I am better than you. (ok that last part was a joke)

and the only person trolling here is you. Stop, or I'll report it.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
chroneverything you've said here is complete mindless dribble. In fact, DOM has replied showing system specs t foxconn's website listing an x48 chipset as hacing 3 pci-e 2.0 x16 slots.

You're losing your mind. Stand up and walk away from the computer. You've lose the argument. I've proven you wrong. I am better than you. (ok that last part was a joke)
Who shall I believe more...foxconn or Intel...well since Intel actually makes the chipset, I'll go with them. Oh, and the foxconn board does the samething the ASUS board does. The third slot is not a true x16 slot, it is an x4 slot. Of course, Foxconn doesn't actually come out and say that, but foxconn has always been a little shady with stuff like that. To them, if the port looks like an x16 port, then that is what it is.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1Who shall I believe more...foxconn or Intel...well since Intel actually makes the chipset, I'll go with them. Oh, and the foxconn board does the samething the ASUS board does. The third slot is not a true x16 slot, it is an x4 slot.
You should buy a foxconn board and sue them for false advertising.

Also, for the last time, go visit the asus thread, stop posting in the sony update thread. We're so gonna get banned from tpu now i can feel it lol

discuss here forums.techpowerup.com/showthread.php?p=875849#post875849. I'm not coming back here.
Posted on Reply
chron"I'd say the number of users affected was limited to the number of ps3's sold."

I didnt say every owner was affected. It was more or less just a joke. Wow.

and the link is on techpowerup's frontpage

here you go:
You do realize no one in that thread had the problem.

From what I am reading here, you (Chron) brought up the x38/x48 chipsets in this thread....Thus, you effectively took this thread off topic for the second time.
Posted on Reply
RavenasYou do realize no one in that thread had the problem.

From what I am reading here, you (Chron) brought up the x38/x48 chipsets in this thread....Thus, you effectively took this thread off topic for the second time.
No, I was only pointing it out as an example of his hypocrisy (as he tried to tear me a new one for my statement in the first post) not as a lead to a discussion.
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
My news threads are burning with flamewars :(

bta is having a bad day at office :cry:
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