Tuesday, July 22nd 2008

Sandisk CEO: ''Windows Vista not Optimized for SSDs''

During a conference of the company's second quarter earnings, the CEO Eli Harari of Sandisk, a significant player in the solid state drive (SSD) industry said that Windows Vista would present a special challenge for solid state drive (SSD) makers. Says Harari: "As soon as you get into Vista applications in notebook and desktop, you start running into very demanding applications because Vista is not optimized for flash memory solid state disk,". He hints at the design of Vista as a cause for performance not being upto the mark, adding that Sandisk's next generation drive controllers should aim to "basically compensate for Vista shortfalls".

"Unfortunately, (SSDs) performance in the Vista environment falls short of what the market really needs and that is why we need to develop the next generation, which we'll start sampling end of this year, early next year," said Harari. Ironically, he has also been quoted saying that such issues didn't affect the "very low-end, ultra low-cost PCs" (read ULPCs), where existing controller technologies could handle 8 ~ 32 GB drive capacities. Clever choice of words since that's the segment that has drive manufacturers, both SSD and HDD, eying at since it's an emerging segment.
Source: CNET
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33 Comments on Sandisk CEO: ''Windows Vista not Optimized for SSDs''

Freshwater Moderator
TheGuruStudI wish. Vista SP1 is on my buddies PC and I can see myself aging when waiting to copy over anything or deleting a folder with a few files when it takes about 15 secs. I haven't seen one install yet that it's been fixed on.

That's on a pretty fast system and fully defragged with O&O.
well i only ever saw that bug on one vista install of mine, and i havent seen it on any of my 3 vista rigs since SP1.

i'd say he has a setup or config problem messing with it... oh and i dont like O&O, its buggy.
Posted on Reply
Musselswell i only ever saw that bug on one vista install of mine, and i havent seen it on any of my 3 vista rigs since SP1.

i'd say he has a setup or config problem messing with it... oh and i dont like O&O, its buggy.
2nd install and it was with sp1 integrated. I've encountered lots of vista laptops and everything is still RTM from my experience. O&O works great for me :) I use it on everything.
See, we're getting into the retardation of windows (what works fine on one doesn't on another).
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Vista would kill a ssd in 12 month flat haha, I dont think blaming Vista is the right term.

SSD drives only have a very limmited Read and write life roughly 1million writes on a given sector before it dies, I dont know how many a standard harddrive can take but I can be fairly confident its more than 20 times that, the tech is 2 immature and shouldnt be released for desktops untill it has matured more, for laptops I think its good ,but not for your everyday gaming rig.

I personally think they wont be feasable for at ;least another 24 months.
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Freshwater Moderator
REVHEADVista would kill a ssd in 12 month flat haha, I dont think blaming Vista is the right term.

SSD drives only have a very limmited Read and write life roughly 1million writes on a given sector before it dies, I dont know how many a standard harddrive can take but I can be fairly confident its more than 20 times that, the tech is 2 immature and shouldnt be released for desktops untill it has matured more, for laptops I think its good ,but not for your everyday gaming rig.

I personally think they wont be feasable for at ;least another 24 months.
if you read the news here more often, samsung have already developed drives with more read times than a mechanical drive. the tech is maturing fast.
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I am sorry for not trolling
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Freshwater Moderator
REVHEADI am sorry for not trolling
wait, what?

i was just pointing out that SSD's dont have a limited life as many think, thats one of the first things they've been fixing as newer models come out.
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TheGuruStudI bet vista fails at SSD b/c it read/writes to it like a flash drive. Have you ever used a flash drive on vista? It's like using a 3.5 floppy. Actually, a 3.5 floppy is faster. But the interesting thing is that the perf. isn't completely abysmal using FAT, but using NTFS makes it so slow, it's literally useless. It would take an hour to load a multi-GB drive. I even remember trying to load just a few MBs of small files and it took 15 mins. Pathetic.
Are you talking about the progress bar on the top of the explorer window that essentially archives what's on the drive? I use a 750 GB external over USB on my laptop, and I'm not sure what you're talking about. It seems a lot more responsive and faster on Vista than it does on XP to be honest.

As far as the forever long copying, I only experienced that once or twice, but that was last year. They've gone through a lot of fixes, so you might want to give it another shot.
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FatForesterAre you talking about the progress bar on the top of the explorer window that essentially archives what's on the drive? I use a 750 GB external over USB on my laptop, and I'm not sure what you're talking about. It seems a lot more responsive and faster on Vista than it does on XP to be honest.

As far as the forever long copying, I only experienced that once or twice, but that was last year. They've gone through a lot of fixes, so you might want to give it another shot.
No, I disable its retarded indexing, it's useless. External HDDs don't have the issue, it pretty much only occurs on flash using ntfs. It's whack.
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