Sunday, December 4th 2005

Golden Gameboy

One of a kind Game Boy made from solid, 18k gold with diamonds on the buttons. I guess this is one thing only for that special video game collector who must have everything seeing as how this little baby sells for $25,000.
Source: Swiss Supply Direct
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8 Comments on Golden Gameboy

that would be like the coolest christmas present ever...
Posted on Reply
That Gameboy has just been un-mobilized. It's got to weigh a ton, and it doesn't have diamonds on the buttons, else you'd have to be careful not to diamond-cut your own fingers. I wonder who would buy such a thing?!
Posted on Reply
10 years ago, paris hilton?
Posted on Reply
W1zzard10 years ago, paris hilton?
hahahahaha :roll:
Posted on Reply
Like why?... Also I fail to see how it's "solid gold" if it's 18k.

Posted on Reply
It's solid gold. It's just not 100% pure gold. ;) And it wouldn't work if it were 27k. Imagine pushing the button only to bend the whole thing and not being able to use it anymore. Still must weigh a ton if it's "solid gold" though...
Posted on Reply
Yeah true, me being picky. :p I saw the weight, it's like 1.7 pounds.

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Super Dainty Moderator
see now it wouldnt be a good idea for me to buy it cause id shove some energizer in their and play it..
Posted on Reply
Sep 26th, 2024 20:44 EDT change timezone

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