Monday, December 19th 2005

Yonah Preview Part II

As promised in the first part today AnandTech published the second part of the Yonah Performance Preview.

We continue to see that the Core Duo can offer, clock for clock, overall performance identical to that of AMD's Athlon 64 X2 - without the use of an on-die memory controller. The only remaining exception at this point appears to be 3D games, where the Athlon 64 X2 continues to do quite well, most likely due to its on-die memory controller.
Source: AnandTech
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7 Comments on Yonah Preview Part II

i dont think it all that bad good benchs beats the 4200x2 on some but when amd 65nm comes out it will probaly blow intel away
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tony929292i dont think it all that bad good benchs beats the 4200x2 on some but when amd 65nm comes out it will probaly blow intel away
considering its already 65nm, intel has a long road ahead of em...
Posted on Reply
Pentium M were already as fast per clock as Athlon 64, its kind of a given that the dual core would be the same.

Thing is- you have to overclock Dothan's to the end of their overclocking spectrum to match a FX-57, while a FX-57 can go into the 3 GHz+ range easily on air, along with many Opteron processors. Cant wait for 65 nm AMD :toast:

People are underestimating Socket M2; DDR2, improved memory controller, 65 nm (I thought?) and a 333HT@ 2GHz (not sure what HTT multiplier is going to be used)
Posted on Reply
Steven B
I still enjoy the off die memory controller, because there are no cold bugs, and BTW if there was a decent board for ocing the PM then youll see oces liek that of the fx-57, oh and the PM does hold records liek superpi.
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Steven BI still enjoy the off die memory controller, because there are no cold bugs, and BTW if there was a decent board for ocing the PM then youll see oces liek that of the fx-57, oh and the PM does hold records liek superpi.
yes it does, but there ARENT any good mobos for it, so it doesnt matter, the a64 is still the winner. "if there were" is a useless point to argue, as it doesnt matter IF... only thing that matters is what IS. ;)
Posted on Reply
Steven B
well ther are good mobos, or setups they cost a lot though, but the 780 is cheaper than the fx57, it evens out int eh end, but for gaming for now the fx series wins because of SLI, but if your benching wihtout videocard then the dothan would be the better choice.
Posted on Reply
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