Friday, November 7th 2008

Microsoft Releases DirectX November 2008 Update
Microsoft has released its latest update to the DirectX end-user runtime. The update patches DirectX installations on all current Microsoft PC, workstation and server operating systems. Microsoft releases updates to the DirectX end-user runtime on a bi-monthly basis, with security, performance enhancements and features usually forming the update. The latest update or the entire redistributable (for offline installations) can be downloaded from Microsoft here.
48 Comments on Microsoft Releases DirectX November 2008 Update
DO they ever improve performance ?
so no more news or what? ya most Games like that allow you to cancel out, others dont.
I normally just use the dxwebsetup one. That way I don't have to download all the files even though I've got them already.
But in any case, it worked. :)
I downloaded the redist pack, how do I go about updating dx 9 and 10? I have vista 64 bit, and should (wild guess) choose "Nov2008_d3dx9_40_x86" and "Nov2008_d3dx10_40_x86" - right?
However, extracting those - there's no installer? Yeah I know, my turn, but I'd be grateful for an answer (already did the google) =P
its an all in one installer, it updates both simultaneously. those files you're looking at, are the wrong ones.