Friday, December 12th 2008

XFX to Sell AMD/ATI Graphics Cards Next Year
UK based has learned that XFX, one of NVIDIA's main AIB partners, is about to start producing AMD/ATI based video cards in the very near future. HEXUS has learned that a formal announcement, detailing the exact relationship between XFX and AMD/ATI, is expected next Tuesday. The AMD/ATI deal won't reflect on XFX's NVIDIA series cards, the company will continue to sell them as it is doing now. Expect more information, when available.
53 Comments on XFX to Sell AMD/ATI Graphics Cards Next Year
its about time i think, this will be interesting
nvidia must not be happy about this at all, not only is its main partner making mobos for intel and now XFX is going to make ATI cards :eek: which is basically an equivalent of a slap in the face to nvidia.
And what do you mean cheap?
Most expensive 8800GTS is XFX (however out of stock)
Most expensive GTX280 is XFX (before all sales prices)
Highest priced 9800GTX+ (that ECS one is two cards)