Monday, February 16th 2009

EVGA HydroCopper GTX 285 Spotted
The guys over at Fudzilla have got hold of a photo showing a watercooled variant of EVGA's GTX 285. The card is said to clock in at 720 MHz on the core, 2.77 GHz effective memory clock and a shader clock of 1,620 MHz. These are the same factory overclocked speeds as the recently released FTW edition of the GTX 285 from EVGA, yet being watercooled the HydroCopper version should perform much cooler. There is currently no word on pricing but the card is expected to ship soon.
25 Comments on EVGA HydroCopper GTX 285 Spotted
i think its kinda sexy :P
generally its less cost than a card + waterblock
and your hardcore nerds out there can just buy 3 and wack them in a loop, without having to worry about somehow borking 1 or more of them before theyre even ready to stick in the loop.
1. the two screw holes will help support the undoubtably massive weight of the card
2. probably cheaper for them to simply use existing dual-slot mounts instead of single slot mounts
Love the "FREE PhysX". Arguably, PhysX is anything BUT free because you have to buy PhysX capable hardware to be able to use PhysX. If you want to go the other way, yes, PhysX software IS totally free, but good luck running it without any hardware, so what's the point of having PhysX in the first place? Technically, PhysX is never free, because that technology has been associated with Nvidia video cards and Ageia/BFG PhysX cards. Sure you can download thier software but you can't run it without the hardware.
I could go to AMD's website and download the newest Catalyst Control Center, which I suppose would be free, but what would be the point in doing so when I don't have any AMD video cards in my computer? I would have to buy an AMD video card, then I could use CCC. So would you consider that software to be free, even though I had to pay for something else so I could use the "free" software?
Heh... I enjoyed writing that.
Imagine yourself stealing a car and completely getting away with it, nobody ever even notices the car is gone. Better yet imagine you go to some Microsoft seminar and Billy Gates took it upon himself to give everybody who attended the seminar a shiny new <insert your favorite car here>. Sure the car ITSELF was totally free, you paid nothing for it. However, you indirectly pay for it by putting gas into it. Kind of the same idea here.
oh btw dan, for some reason I find myself having increacingly more frequent discussions with you as day by day wears on, heh
You must have electricity to power a light bulb. You must have gas (or electricity) to power a car. You must have food and water to survive.
It doesn't make it philosophy though, read some Plato, Socrates or even Marx.
Besides, I wouldn't know what exactly is taught in the "school subject" science, as we have no subject here with that name. We have things like math, chemistry, physics, biology, etc.