Thursday, February 26th 2009

Phenom II X3 Demand Skyrockets Post Core-Unlock Mod

Earlier this week, an article by a Korean computer enthusiast made waves across the internet. The enthusiast found a simple way to unlock the rudimentary core on Phenom II X3 processors, thanks to what AMD now refers to as "buggy BIOS". The article was followed up extensively by global media confirming the procedure. The result: sales of Phenom II X3 processors are seeing an upsurge.

Who wouldn't want to spend $150~170 on a triple-core processor that can be converted to a $200+ worth quad-core chip with decent levels of performance and overclocking headroom? AMD now has a tricky situation at hand. It can cash in on the demand and let the sales stay, but unfortunately, its planning went south looking for Greenland. The company has reporedly asked motherboard vendors to fix the "buggy BIOS". Ironically, in the wake of the DigiTimes report about upsurge in demand, AMD gave another statement, saying that the value Phenom II X3 processors offer speaks for itself.
Source: DigiTimes
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27 Comments on Phenom II X3 Demand Skyrockets Post Core-Unlock Mod

The Lurker
Imagine that. Sounds like AMD should let things be. Publicity is a great thing.
Posted on Reply
Its double edged situation AMD is in. Like the btarunr mentioned in his news post, they are seeing massive demands and increased sales for their X3 cpu's, but what about their X4? On one hand, AMD has to fix that error now through bios patches, and save the X4 sales, or just let it slide for now and hard-fix later revisions of the X3.
Posted on Reply
AMD planned this from the begging... they are not fooling me. lol.
Posted on Reply
They screwed up by releasing the X3 at all. Three cores, has four, but one's dead. I wouldn't waste my money on that either.
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FleckThey screwed up by releasing the X3 at all. Three cores, has four, but one's dead. I wouldn't waste my money on that either.
If you could unlock it why not?
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The Lurker
I have the 940, but I am seriously considering grabbing one just to try. AM3 on a quad would be very nice.
Posted on Reply
jbunch07AMD planned this from the begging... they are not fooling me. lol.
Heh, doubtful. If demand of X3s gets really high it means more good X4s need to be made to X3 and more people buy them again as more of them unlock.

There just needs to be a bunch of posts about unsuccessful unlocks and demand will dry out to normal levels.

If I was buying a new system PII X3 720 would have found it's way here too. Something special they got going here, intentional or not :)
Posted on Reply
I wonder if all the x3's could do that? Even the Phemon 1's?
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CastielI wonder if all the x3's could do that? Even the Phemon 1's?
Never heard of it happening on the old phenoms, I'm sure as soon as this was discovered people tried it with no success or else we would have heard about it by now.
Posted on Reply
jbunch07If you could unlock it why not?
If I knew that I could unlock it, sure.

It won't matter coz by the time I go into four cores this X3 craze will be over with. Unless Modern Warfare 2 uses four cores, then who knows there might be an X3 in my future :D
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Black Hades
I'd like to see a benchmark with a 3core /w the extra enabled versus a identical 4 core.

I'm sure they didnt disable that core just to get in the price segment market....
Posted on Reply
"The company has reporedly asked motherboard vendors to fix the "buggy BIOS".
This proves once again how closely the industry works together with one another to the detriment of the consumer. MSI slipped up, I wonder what the penalty for that is, probably not much just a slight overlooked delay in shipments of CPU's as from years gone buy.:)
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
Black HadesI'd like to see a benchmark with a 3core /w the extra enabled versus a identical 4 core.

I'm sure they didnt disable that core just to get in the price segment market....
they are all over XS, here and OCF look some
Posted on Reply
The Knife in your Back
Isn't it only that certain line of proc 0904 or something like that? The others are all locked so far right?
FleckThey screwed up by releasing the X3 at all. Three cores, has four, but one's dead. I wouldn't waste my money on that either.
The PII 710 is at about the same price point as your e7400, and I tell you what I would put my money on...

Most apps only use 2 cores that 3rd core is just a bonus to run WMP and anything else you want, works pretty nice.
Posted on Reply
i dont know about that i have a core monitor and it usualyl shows all four of my cores working when im doing mass multi tasking, like joshes mom! hahahahahah
Posted on Reply
Someone who knows what they're doing needs to make modded bios that does this with all boards and all CPU's. I would LOVE to test this with my Kuma.. Just hit me up with a email or pm..
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The Knife in your Back
Marineborni dont know about that i have a core monitor and it usualyl shows all four of my cores working when im doing mass multi tasking, like joshes mom! hahahahahah
Multi-tasking n00b. Just run a game and nothing else, open up your performance monitor. The most load you will see on 3rd and 4th core are about 20% from system processes. And btw you better take your shoes off before you get tucked.
ShadowFoldSomeone who knows what they're doing needs to make modded bios that does this with all boards and all CPU's. I would LOVE to test this with my Kuma.. Just hit me up with a email or pm..
That won't ever be possible. While some procs are blessed with the extra cores that can work, others have them turned off for a good reason. So any modded bios would never work 100% of the time. And if it did and that extra core was really messed up might be hard to reflash. At least with the ACC on it just won't work or if it's buggy you can just reboot go to bios and turn it off.
Posted on Reply
bah...whats the point of a multi core if you dont do mass multi tasking...whateva...
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The Exiled Airman
there is no guarantee you will get a X3 with a Perfectly Good 4th core, i think AMD would need to actually start making the X3s with 3 cores only and not try and disable the 4th core.
Posted on Reply
I think the 4th core was disabled to get the X4 cpu's that "were" lying around sold

thats it

and its definitely a lower binned X4 at that
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where the hell are my stars
no there are several threads on XS they are bad cores on most
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Graphical Hacker
At least AMD is profiting! I would get an X4 just to make sure. The extra cash is worth it!
Posted on Reply
It's good thing for amd they dont have to decrease prices on overpriced x3 and x4 especially in the countries where these processors came like raindrops during dry periods. I dont see why to disable that now when sale is raising :D
Posted on Reply
FleckIf I knew that I could unlock it, sure.

It won't matter coz by the time I go into four cores this X3 craze will be over with. Unless Modern Warfare 2 uses four cores, then who knows there might be an X3 in my future :D
Of course it's not always for sure. AMD always was a week player so you better get your sample of x3 processor now before they start to put dies with really damaged cores into PII x3

PII :rofl:
Posted on Reply
vagxtrOf course it's not always for sure. AMD always was a week player so you better get your sample of x3 processor now before they start to put dies with really damaged cores into PII x3

PII :rofl:
I'm like the cheapest bastard on the planet and I'll buy a real 4 core processor before I do that.

There. That's what I meant to say from the very beginning, LOL.
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