Thursday, April 23rd 2009
GT300 to Pack 512 Shader Processors
A real monster seems to be taking shape at NVIDIA. The company's next big graphics processor looks like a leap ahead of anything current-generation, the way G80 was when it released. It is already learned that the GPU will use a new MIMD (multiple instructions multiple data) mechanism for its highly parallel computing, which will be physically handled by not 384, but 512 shader processors. The count is a 112.5% increase over that of the existing GT200, which has 240.
NVIDIA has reportedly upped the SP count per cluster to 32, against 24 for the current architecture, and a cluster count of 16 (16 x 32 = 512). Also in place, will be 8 texture memory units (TMUs) per cluster, so 128 in all. What exactly makes the GT300 a leap is not only the fact that there is a serious increase in parallelism, but also an elementary change in the way a shader processor handles data and instructions, in theory, a more efficient way of doing it with MIMD. The new GPU will be DirectX 11 compliant, and be built on the 40 nm manufacturing process. We are yet to learn more about its memory subsystem. The GPU is expected to be released in Q4 2009.
NVIDIA has reportedly upped the SP count per cluster to 32, against 24 for the current architecture, and a cluster count of 16 (16 x 32 = 512). Also in place, will be 8 texture memory units (TMUs) per cluster, so 128 in all. What exactly makes the GT300 a leap is not only the fact that there is a serious increase in parallelism, but also an elementary change in the way a shader processor handles data and instructions, in theory, a more efficient way of doing it with MIMD. The new GPU will be DirectX 11 compliant, and be built on the 40 nm manufacturing process. We are yet to learn more about its memory subsystem. The GPU is expected to be released in Q4 2009.
86 Comments on GT300 to Pack 512 Shader Processors
1-Of course the ever mighty game : Crysis or Crysis Warhead .
2-STALKER : Clear Sky at maximum details .. and high resolution
3-The newly released HAWX , with support of DX10 (very heavy game ) .
4-Games with SSAO (Space Screen Ambient Occlusion) enabled -in the new Nvidia driver- , which decrease performance by 50% or even more , but increase imgae quality .
5-Many games are not playable at 2500x1600 , 4XAA , unless you use a dual card like 4870X2 and GTX295 .. for those who don't like dual solutions , this monster will be their favorite .
6-Adding DX10 support for new titles , will make them even more taxing .
Back on topic, I really do wonder what the cost will be. It's a good thing that ATI have put a hurtin on NVidia for a while now, hopefully that will keep the price down at least a little. But all these crazy specs could make for a pricey vard indeed.
GTX 280 came out at $600 or so Au, then the prices dropped and the new cards came out at that price... rinse and repeat.
There wont be any surprises in the price, rarely is.