Monday, April 27th 2009

Windows 7 to Pack Virtual Windows XP
Across generations of its Windows operating systems based on the NT architecture, Microsoft has been courteous enough to pack application compatibility layers that let users run applications in compatibility modes for older versions of the OS. The company seems to be taking this to the next level with Windows 7. The release candidate of the OS slated for April 30, will pack an "XP mode" virtualization feature. The feature quite literally runs a Windows XP environment inside a sandbox complete with support for applications such as Internet Explorer 6, etc.
The environment will work on a virtual machine created by Windows 7. Native Windows XP applications you install in the environment, along with your documents and settings will further be accessible from the host OS. Client variants of Windows 7 may feature a Hyper-V hypervisor that handles applications such as these. The feature makes Windows 7 especially something to look forward to, for those complaining lack of Windows XP features. In short, it's the OS some probably clung onto, and refused to move to Vista, running as an application.
CrunchGear, betanews
The environment will work on a virtual machine created by Windows 7. Native Windows XP applications you install in the environment, along with your documents and settings will further be accessible from the host OS. Client variants of Windows 7 may feature a Hyper-V hypervisor that handles applications such as these. The feature makes Windows 7 especially something to look forward to, for those complaining lack of Windows XP features. In short, it's the OS some probably clung onto, and refused to move to Vista, running as an application.
75 Comments on Windows 7 to Pack Virtual Windows XP
edit: it said it couldn't find anything to boot with lol i'm dumb. i went into bios and tried setting boot priority but if it can't find anything that won't help will it?
there buttons at the bottom of the window, right click the CD one and you can bind the VM to a drive on the host OS.
ya I'm an idiot dude. I thought this would be like the windows mobile emulator in visual studio where everything is loaded already for you. I dont exactly have an xp disc laying around here at work lol.
I'll just have to play with it when I get home.
Thats a fake machine with an empty HDD. Think of it as a brand new PC... it aint gunna do nothing til you stick that XP disk in there and install it.
lol you did edits while i was posting... 20MB is a tad small to include XP ;)
"small amount of customers...."
but is sucks when you have to download it:(
I thought it would be 700+
edit: the one we're running NOW doesnt include the OS. the one with 7, may. but that'd be weird.
There are a few of things that I still question though:
1.) How does licensing work? I know that Win7 Ultimate includes a licence for XP Pro, so that wouldn't be an issue, but what about the other versions of Win7. Or is this just going to be a feature of Ultimate?
2.) Is this actually a new version of Virtual PC, or is it just Virtual PC 2007 re-packaged and included in with Win7? I hope it is a new version, and I hope they have improved it, and added USB support and better hardware integration.
3.) Will this version of Virtual PC be limitted to just running XP, or will you still be able to configure as many Virtual PCs as you want to install any OS you like?(I have Win3.11, Win98 SE, and XP running right now.)
4.) How long until we see anti-trust lawsuits?
We will NEVER go to Vista and we will take a long time to go to Win 7. M$ wants businesses to go to Win 7, thats why they are adding a Virtual XP. Makes sense to me.
Microsoft Acquires Connectix Virtual Machine Technology
Though installing 98 should give you a fair bit of compatibility with older games.
not got any ideas what to tell you if your system wont wun nwn on SHOULD WORK, so should diabloII as i know a few people who still play it even after upgrading to newer systems that came with vista....
as to emulated directX support, it depends on if MS bothers to do a decent d3d passthru or their typical "it kinda works" method.
VMware6.5+ can play older 3d titles just fine via 98se or windows 2000 from my testing......