The Intel Xeon X5355 was a server/workstation processor with 4 cores, launched in November 2006, at an MSRP of $1172. It is part of the Xeon lineup, using the Clovertown architecture with Socket 771. To further increase overall system performance, up to two Xeon X5355 CPUs can link up in a multi-processor (SMP) configuration. Xeon X5355 has 4 MB of L2 cache and operates at 2.667 GHz. Intel is building the Xeon X5355 on a 65 nm production process using 582 million transistors. The multiplier is locked on Xeon X5355, which limits its overclocking capabilities. With a TDP of 120 W, the Xeon X5355 consumes a lot of power, so good cooling is definitely needed. Intel's processor supports DDR2 and DDR3 memory with a dual-channel interface. ECC memory is supported, too, which is an important capability for mission-critical systems, to avoid data corruption. Actual memory technology support depends on the chosen motherboard, because the memory controller is located on the motherboard (not in the processor). For communication with other components in the computer, Xeon X5355 uses a PCI-Express N/A connection. This processor lacks integrated graphics, you might need a graphics card. Inside the box you will not only find the processor, but also a Yes cooler. The SSE4 instruction set is not supported, which can cause problems with modern games, as they require that capability. Hardware virtualization is available on the Xeon X5355, which greatly improves virtual machine performance.