Performed Mods:
a little bit here, a little bit there^^ some UV light stuff, fans and the wires...but there is more too come^^inext is uv painting for the fan leaves???or so^^lol...
painted with UV color a little bit, looks nice.
soundcard painted too and northbridge is in work^^
and now im going to buy mirror stuff so i put this on the bottom.
cya on the next mod^^
So, this is my first real Game rig that im modding, and put work in it^^ so , i hope you´ll post something and say what i could do better, etc...
greetz ViruS
3 Comments on RiG-ViruS
Resize to scale : 1,3 x 1 (example: 800 x600 ),rotate some your pic ( everybody easy to look up )
good job
and just like i saud, im not finished^^
i just bought the uv paint (green and white^^)
so i wanna do some painting, like the fans a little.
and im going too buy mirror ähm, paper i guess is what yall say^^
im going to put it on the bottom, hopefully it looks great with that mirror effect^^...
well see.....