
February 6th 2006
19,335 times
Outstanding (6.7)
Voting Graph 11 votes total
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Key Features:
Intel CPU NVIDIA Graphics Custom Paint Job
System Specs:
  • 3.0P4, 2x80gb WD RAID 0, nVIDIA 5500, MSI PT880 board, 512mb Kingston DDR400 (dual chan), Terminator TV tuner, Memorex CD/DVD, 52x generic CD burner, old MSI case (PIII era)
Performed Mods:
Cut side panel, installed acrylic window, interior and exterior paint, cable sleeving.
When I got the case, the old board was in it and the cpu fan was hanging by the fan connector bouncing around! Cleaned it up, painted solid purple (dark, for a freinds wife) who then took the case (fully assembled) home and decided it was too dark. Repainted a portion light gray and added some stripes. Used regular painters tape and pro 'striping' tape for the stripes. (helps make clean lines) Wetsanded and clearcoated for a high gloss finish.
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4 Comments on Purple

kinda hard to rate the thing with no pics man.
Posted on Reply
I like the paint job you did, pretty nice!
Posted on Reply
Oct 19th, 2024 23:52 EDT change timezone

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