Performed Mods:
Home+hand made watercooler with ZALMAN CNP9500 /2x80mm LED fan /RAM fan(Pentium 3 HSF) /a bit cable mangement
I've cut out the heat pipe from CNP9500 near the base of the copper base. Rebending and reshpaing 6 copper pipes into curves to match the orginal size and shape of CNP9500. Aluminuim car oil radiator 400x185x20(LxWxH). Industry used high presure air compressor tube. LG fridge ice box containor used for water tank(4Litres). CAR raditator coolant and lots of soldiering, its pretty hard to soldier the copper pipes together because one is soldier but then the others melts. I used a water feature pump which produces 1000LPM@20w useing 240V
71 Comments on caveman_1990//ZALMAN CNP9500 watercooler MOD//
Would be interesting to see what temps you are getting from it.
It redue the temperature by 20*C : oc'ed 380x9=3420
BEFORE the moding using ZLAMAN 9500: oc'ed 380x9=3420
ALL the temp is at a room temperature of 30*C
I have 5 80mm fan but I am not going to install any more fan because its good enough for me, I like quiet ^_^
It is overclocked from 2.6Ghz to 3Ghz @ 1.45v though.
Its here -
then again, you would have to spend a bomb for any better, so well done!
1-The room temperature is at 30*C and my idle is at 37*C, that is only +7*C. Now I can't can get any closer than that because there is just no way I can get lower than room temp, room temp is what cools down the raditator.
2-I overclocked to 3.42GHz@vcore on auto and in BIOS 1.488v
3-The humidity is very high at 81%
4-Which Water cooling system are you compare with at what temperature,humidity and how much it overclock.
----------------------------------------------- There is nothing inside the copper pipe from the CNP9500, so many people just doesn't believe in me. I been there and I have done it" THERE IS NOTHING INSIDE" Those people who think there is fluide or gas inside will.... they just can't take it that they are wrong, its as simple as that I am afriad.
---------------------------------------------- LOL :P don't you just love my P3 cpu fan used as ram fan.
---------------------------------------------- VERY nicely done there bigJunit GJ
One again thank you for the comments
That is a pretty wild setup. I've always wondered how hard it would be to customize your own Water System. Nicely Done. You can check my water system out if you like. It is listed in the case mods.
Nice Work. 10/10 for the labor alone!
And yes its hard work, it took my father and me 1 month to think, plan, buying the right material and do it in scales. And it took us(father+me) another 1 week to solder the pipes to gether and the most easy part is installing the whole thing into and onto my computer case only one day. The water tank is pretty tight in my case but lucky I have 4x 5 inch bay. The water tank took up 3 bays>.<
But really - awesome work.
Just one further question, did you remove the wick from the tubes before attaching the additional copper tubing?
now all you need to do is convert a graphics card to do the same thing and youl be rollin'!
Join one side with copper tubing and the other side I need to cut enough copper fin so it will have enough room for the tubing.
anyway, any plans of doing the same thing with a Zalman CNPS9700LED or CNPS9700NT?
a masterpiece...
Visit also mine..
All will be done after my goods are carried to Australia when my relative comes for holiday. ^_^
Oh yea I also replace my water tank with a tank that has TEC placed onto it. Its now nice and quiet.
This is a mod I was planning myself I am unimpressed by the cooling radiator on my liquid cooling system and was going to add a similar mod for a second radiator.
YOUR RIG is very nicely done too.
overall, you get a 15/10 from me.
its a little rough around the edges, but hey, innovations and prototypes usually are!
THX murder you are the first one to give me 15/10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WOOT
Will this is my theroy.
1. Copper is a very good conductor.
2. The heat has to be spread out through out the cooler.
3. Using a huge solid tube would cost too much.
4. So How to solve this probelm. Use thinner tubing.
5. But wait its still to expenive. Thats make it wholo inside.
6. OK now cost down but the consumer wont buy it.
7. We have to make a special feature out of the heat pipe.
8. Thats say."Inside the heat pipe there is liquird or gas in side."
AND PEOPLE LIKE ME would say "WTF its common sence, pressured gas to make it liqiud ? wtf no way to dangures. Liquid ? what liquid I dont see an. poision gas that I open it would become CARBON or H2O.............. I dont think so I dont think any posion labeling on the package.
SO yea that is what I think happed.
What I've read about how it works: Water will boil at a lower temperature when put in a vacuum. Since Zalman, or any other company for that matter, cannot use special supercooling liquids for cost's sake (and for safety regulations), they must resort to using plain old distilled water to serve as the active ingredient in heatpipes. They put a small amount of water into the tubes and then vacuum seal it, reducing the water's boiling point. From there it's common knowledge; the heat from the CPU causes the water in the vacuum sealed tube to vaporize into gas and rise to where the fins are, taking heat with it. After the heat is released, the water then proceeds to condense and travel down the tube where it will repeat the cycle for as long as there is enough heat to vaporize the vacuum sealed water. The reason why you don't (or didn't) see anything when the heatpipes were opened was because the very, very small amount of water that was in the tubes either a) evaporated into the surrounding air or b) diffused into the air to the point where you wouldn't notice anything there.
Either way, very cool mod and a very clean setup. It would be awesome if you could polish the copper tubing up a bit but I guess you can't have it all :laugh:
vote for me too plz(project geminii part2)
I worked my ass of to solder a few extra heatpipes on my previeus motherboard..
Asus m2n32 sli-deluxe
its in my old gallery..
just visit my new gallery first and there is a link to my old
But i cut the old heatpipes open and changed them with thicker ones.
And yes, there is NO fluid or gasses in them...
its works by moving hot air back and forwards...
vote for me too. i dont know how to make a link..
but just search for firefly's
the you will find it i think..
greetings eric huizer
I am considering doing this myself on my rig.
home made res...??
To above: voting 2/10 for something homemade is like denying what modding is...
Now if only I could learn how to weld copper....
Mixing copper/alu isnt a good idea.
This is just what i think.