The Radeon R9 M295X was a mobile graphics chip by AMD, launched on November 23rd, 2014. Built on the 28 nm process, and based on the Amethyst graphics processor, in its Amethyst XT variant, the chip supports DirectX 12. This ensures that all modern games will run on Radeon R9 M295X. The Amethyst graphics processor is a large chip with a die area of 366 mm² and 5,000 million transistors. It features 2048 shading units, 128 texture mapping units, and 32 ROPs. AMD has paired 4 GB GDDR5 memory with the Radeon R9 M295X, which are connected using a 256-bit memory interface. The GPU is operating at a frequency of 723 MHz, memory is running at 1250 MHz (5 Gbps effective). Being a mxm module card, the AMD Radeon R9 M295X does not require any additional power connector, its power draw is rated at 250 W maximum. This device has no display connectivity, as it is not designed to have monitors connected to it. Rather it is intended for use in laptop/notebooks and will use the output of the host mobile device.