ADATA has set itself apart from the rest with their XPG modules with a default speed profile of 2666 MHz. With no other brands on the market currently offering such things, nothing else matches your new fancy CPU's default memory speed better without needing to enable an XMP profile. Add in the XMP profile that at the very least optimizes performance in such a way that you get the best you can at a given speed without overly increasing voltages, and you have a great set of memory that is made to meet your needs no matter what the situation is. Also add in the original RGB implementation that matches their company logo in a subtle yet exciting way, and there are few other options out there that can compete with the complete package that is on offer here from ADATA's XPG SPECTRIX D40 memory.
There are a couple of ripples in the pond, however. The RGB features of the memory do require an ASUS motherboard to make the most of, and the high-end speeds these modules offer right now don't exactly top 4000 MHz like I would personally like, yet that's the joy of the market where there are many options out there that will meet your needs should what you find here not be to your liking. But I have to ask, what's here that is not to like? (I'll be ignoring the complaints about RGB).
If you are a user that isn't going to be buying one of the "K" or "X" SKUs from Intel, what's on offer here with the base specification of 2666 MHz is definitely worth taking a look at since a lack of XMP support from some SKUs and motherboard combinations means that you'll be left out in the cold when it comes to getting the ultimate in performance your CPU has on offer should you choose any other memory kit. That is something that shouldn't be ignored since we most definitely want to make use of it if these CPU makers tell us that 2666 MHz is supported, like was shown to be the case in our recent 8700K memory benchmark analysis. That makes a kit like ADATA's XMP SPECTRIX D40 a must-have on our list.