With CPU waterblocks, both thermal performance and liquid-flow restriction are important metrics. Unlike radiators where component liquid-flow restriction is not as big a factor in the loop's overall flow rate, CPU block choice will impact average flow rate significantly, and thus cannot be ignored. In order to quantify relative performance for a CPU block, a normalized percentage-based data set was created, with 70% weighting given to thermal performance and 30% weighting given to liquid-flow restriction. The data set created was then plotted, with the subject of this review at 100%.
Let's clarify that the metric for a quantitative performance summary is based on my own thoughts, as there is no universally accepted standard. As it stands, the relatively lower flow restriction combined with the chart topping thermal performance results in the Alphacool Apex 1 taking top spot one more time. This has to be the first time a top performing CPU block also bests the others here since they usually end up with a high pressure drop to get that performance. Well done, Alphacool!
Performance per Dollar
Prices are taken from the manufacturer's web shop for customers in the USA when available, with all numbers reported in USD. For products not available there, the most obvious retail source is chosen, such as from a major distributor carrying the various brands. For products no longer available, the last available reasonable price point is considered.
We must note right away that aesthetics and build quality do not necessarily translate directly here, especially with intricate metal tops, RGB lighting, and integrated displays that add to the cost, but are not quantifiable as a performance metric. With the Alphacool Apex 1, since I am writing this review before the product is even launched, I do not know what US-based vendors are going to charge for it. Based on previous product launches, it is likely to cost about the same as the EU pricing from Alphacool directly, except in USD and before any applicable sales tax. Assuming this number thus, we see the Apex 1 does get put in its place by multiple blocks from a pure value perspective. Alphacool alone has three modern entries here at different price points, so obviously the brand would like to take your money no matter what you can afford.