Board Software
The software package offered with the Biostar Hi-Fi A85W is the new norm for Biostar, and one of the things I like best is eHotLine, a utility for reporting system configuration and such directly to Biostar. This means Biostar won't be guessing about when providing support, since they can get a full rundown of what's on your system. There's also the G.P.U. tool, used for setting system power-saving features.
To configure the LAN portion of the Hi-Fi A85W, Biostar has included what seems to be a CFOS-based utility called SmartSpeedLan. It can be set to automatically adjust network priority so that your internet experience is the best it can possibly be. For configuring the board, and a bit of monitoring, there's the standard TOverclocker, and it can be pretty useful, but I personally prefer to tweak from within the BIOS itself.