I have mentioned before how Bitspower has effectively created three market segments with Touchaqua for the budget-conscious, Bitspower Premium for the high-end, and everything else under the general Bitspower brand. The previous two Bitspower product reviews were CPU blocks that fell under the Bitspower and Bitspower Premium lineup, and we still have a Touchaqua CPU block to go. As a change of pace, I wanted to see how their new fans would do, having seen them first at CES a year ago, and there is no doubt that these offer good value for the money for those seeking it. Indeed, as the company's owner put it himself to me, the Touchaqua brand is not meant to be cheap, given the negative connotation associated with the word, and instead is targeting to offer "just right" for the money.
The Touchaqua NJORD at ~$45 for a triple pack definitely does this and more. The included hubs and controllers would be easily $15 together, with the LED multifunction controller alone retailing for $12, so the fans come in at ~$10 each. RGB fans that do fairly well as radiator fans while offering a large range of RPM control and motherboard LED control are definitely worth checking into, whether you are in Asia where the Touchaqua brand was first meant to be, or in the west where retailers have sought to bring out these products to offer more options to customers not wanting to shell out triple digits for an equivalent package.