Goldenmars Identity Flashdrive & SD Card Review 2

Goldenmars Identity Flashdrive & SD Card Review

Value & Conclusion »


To measure performance I used HD Tach, since the long and short tests came with nearly identical results on several sticks I decided to only show results of the short benchmark. This should make the list easier to read.
The test system was a Shuttle SB51G, there wasn't a specific reason to use this machine, it's just the one I use at the office.
For the SD card I used a cheap Sitecom card reader as well.

Identity flash drive

I collected various sticks around me and benched them, I benchmarked all on the same system so any differences caused by chipsets, drivers etc can be ruled out.

The read speeds aren't exactly great, however this is not the feature which the stick is marketed for. For most people it is fast enough. However, the latency is a reason for concern. At first I thought it was a computer related problem, so I tested on three other systems with the same result. When copying big files the latency doesn't matter at all. However, when I attempted to unpack a 180MB archive with 4000 files in it it took nearly two hours to complete.
Due to the screen not updating when using NTFS I figured this might make a difference in latency since the display wouldn't read the filesystem all the time. Unfortunately this didn't solve the issue.

GeeDom SD card

Unfortunately I have no modern SD cards to compare, so I think the results might be a bit out of perspective. Compared to two older cards (one being MMC) this card literally flies. I also noticed the difference when taking pictures, I made several pictures in a row from a blank wall. Compared to the Peak card the delay in making pictures is really noticeable, which is to me far more important than some benchmark.
Two other cards that came with two Canon cameras could not be tested at all, for some reason HD Tach keeps telling me that I stopped the benchmark. However, seeing how these cards are over a year old as well I don't expect them to perform any better than the other two cards.

Edit: I tested the card with another reader, to my surprise it shows 17MB/s. Since this is a rather huge difference I figured this should be mentioned.
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