The In Win X-Fighter takes the same base as the GD chassis, but goes all out on the outside looks. Instead of a simple door, you get an elaborate design, with fancy LEDs and a very interesting looking side panel. The only downside is the fact that such a design requires extensive use of plastic. Luckily, the materials used are of high quality, so one can easily overlook that shortcoming. The interior of the X-Fighter has the same strengths and weaknesses as the GD. The screw-less system is very good and the four fans are very quiet. All these extras do mean that the filled case will feel cramped. The biggest downside is the fact, that the top I/O cables are simply way too short, but luckily In Win has noted this flaw and is now offering 80 cm instead of 50 cm cables in all X-Fighters. Considering the fairly high price of the case, you can expect unique engineering, features and one of a kind looks. Let's just hope that Lucasfilm does not mind the fact that In Win is using names loosely related to their Star Wars universe.