MSI MPG X570S Carbon EK X Review 9

MSI MPG X570S Carbon EK X Review

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BIOS Overview

CPU Ratio:8–63.750.25
Infinity Fabric:800–4000 MHzN/A
Memory:800–3000 MHzN/A
CPU Voltage:0.90–2.00 V0.0125 V
SoC Voltage:0.8–1.55 V0.0125 V
DRAM Voltage:0.80 V - 2.0 V0.010 V

The MSI MPG X570S Carbon EK X has a well-laid-out EZ Mode that is the default landing screen. It gives you the ability to set the memory XMP profile, drive boot priority, automatic overclocking, and fan control without digging deeply into the sub-menus. Across the top is a helpful search tool if looking for a certain setting. It also allows for the language to be set.

Switch to Advanced Mode (F7) for the familiar MSI BIOS layout with the box art and MPG logo in the center area. Each additional menu is split into independent sections. Overall, you will spend the most time in the overclocking section, which has everything required for overclocking, setting voltages, and enabling features like ReSize-Bar for supported graphics cards.

At first, I thought a "My Favorites" type of menu where you can add and subtract commonly used settings for future convenience was missing. However, it is hidden in EZ Mode and can be brought up with the F3 hot-key. Since every vendor has a certain menu layout, those exclusively buying MSI products will have an easy time navigating these sub-menus. Those coming from a different brand may feel slightly overwhelmed as not everything will be where it was previously. Luckily, the search tool will help if you know the name of the specific function.

Advanced F7 Main

Settings Menu

OC Menu


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