Yakuza 0 Benchmark Performance Analysis 24

Yakuza 0 Benchmark Performance Analysis

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Graphics Settings

  • The first settings screen deals with monitor settings
  • As expected, the game has options to choose the screen resolution, aspect ratio, and refresh rate
  • You can also toggle between fullscreen, windowed, and borderless
  • I'm happy to report that you can disable vertical sync, which uncaps the framerate.
  • Even with V-Sync off, the game has a hidden 250 FPS limit, which can be removed by editing its config file.
  • The second settings screen lets you adjust graphics details and effects
  • SSAA stands for Super Sample Anti-Aliasing and lets you increase the game's internal rendering resolution. The options here range from Off to 2x, 4x and 8x. Please note that in Yakuza 0 the setting value stands for the increase in total number of pixels. So 1920x1080 with 2xSSAA is rendering scaled up by 150%: 2880x1620 (not 3840x2160 4K). For that you'd have to pick "4x"
  • Render Scale has options ranging from Off (100%), to 25%, 50% and 75%. This is basically the equivalent to SSAA, just reducing the resolution to reduce hardware requirements. However, texts and HUD will still be rendered at native resolution, so they stay sharp and crisp.
  • The next four options FXAA, Texture Filtering, Shadow Quality and Geometry Quality can be set to: Disabled, Low, Medium, High, Ultra
  • Show FPS is very nice, as it gives you a small, easily accessible FPS counter in the top left corner of the screen
  • Full Frame Rate Cutscenes disables the FPS cap of the cutscenes and will let them run as quickly as your graphics card can render them.
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