Thursday, April 29th 2010

PC Processor Market and Intel Grow, AMD Slips

The Intel juggernaut rolls on in Q1 2010, according the latest IDC report covering PC processor sales. Similar to the GPU market, processor sales grew by 39% compared to this time last year (Q1 2009), but declined by 5.6% compared to Q4 2009. Revenues went up 40.4% year-on-year and down just 2% sequentially. Intel's market share grew by 0.5%, slightly at the expense of AMD, which went down 0.6%.

Intel holds 81% of the processor market, while 'rival' AMD holds 18.8%. VIA holds a tiny 0.2% of the market. In the x86 server market, Intel holds 90.2%, with AMD and others at 9.8%. With the notebook and desktop segments it reached 87.8% and 71.7%, respectively. For 2010 IDC is predicting a CPU unit growth of 15.1%. Q1 2010 saw Intel propagating processors based on its new architecture to the crucial value and mainstream market segments, with the Core i3, Core i5, and Pentium dual-core processors in the LGA-1156 package.
Source: TechConnect Magazine
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77 Comments on PC Processor Market and Intel Grow, AMD Slips

DanTheBanjomanNah, it shows who has better marketing. With good marketing you can sell anyone anything.

nvidia can't sell me a gtx 480 no matter what. as I don't think it's a good product.:)

but i have to say that i really like amd's graphic cards:) as they are better then nvidia's
Posted on Reply
I will say, i'd hoped AMD would've made a dent in intel's marketshare with the PII+AthII releases but they haven''s kinda sad from an enthusiast's POV as realistically marketshare should be more like 60/40(Intel/AMD) if you go by performance/buck and then just performance.
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nvidia can't sell me a gtx 480 no matter what. as I don't think it's a good product.:)

but i have to say that i really like amd's graphic cards:) as they are better then nvidia's
I'd bet a shiny penny that if someone offered you a GTX 480 for free you take it right that instance and you'd love it :p

On topic; It's a bit saddening that AMD is slipping even further. I hope things turn around for them soon and they return back to the glory days. The Athlon XP was my first AMD processor, before that I used mainly Intel ( usually a heavily OCed celeron :D ) Sometimes I look back and try to remember how things were back then, and I always arrive to the same question - were the Athlons really that much better or was the P4 just shitty...whatever the truth I don't regret my first amd system, which is currently alive and kicking as my folks internet box.
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oh well amd slips back a tiny bit i dont really care these days in all honest a $50 dual core $90 ram and a $100 gpu can play just about every game maxxed out but 2 :banghead: i really dont care what amds market share is or intels at the end of the day software isnt keeping up so as far as im concerned even old Phenom I and Q6600 etc etc still have a long life expetency if software catches up hell we havent even moved past single threaded apps yet. As far as im concerned Intel /Amd is the same to me just another manufacturer peddling me items i dont need kinda like how GMC was producing enough cars that every person could have like 4 new cars per year or some crazy shit like that. thats how i see CPUs now if a $50 cpu or hell a an old old old Pentium D and Athlon x2 3800+ can still get you online surf the net do your work etc etc these higher priced cpus while nice for us enthusiasts etc just are not needed. From a consumers standpoint market share is worthless and so is new tech untill software etc catches up with hardware.

again sad to see amd slip but in the grand scheme of these .6% is a worthless statistic which has no real bearing on what ill purchase ;) as long as amd makes cpus and intel makes cpus ill buy what i can afford when i can afford it when i need it :toast:
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~Technological Technocrat~
HalfAHertzI'd bet a shiny penny that if someone offered you a GTX 480 for free you take it right that instance and you'd love it :p
Id take the 480 - sell it - put the cash towards a 5970
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AMDneeds a King processor

AMD needs to have the king of the hill processor to make name. only with name, they can make money.. ATI proved that with 4870x2 and 5970 :)

i can understand that they are offering price/performance.

but they should also have a answer the top model from intel even if the price is high.
at least buyer will have the feel that the company is competitive. but now, it looks like AMD is not good when they compare Intel.

if you compare Intel x6 980.. the Phenom x6 are no way near it :( and all the reviews compare phenom x6 with the intel x6 x2 = 12. but thats OK... its AMDs mistake not having some good technology to counter HT from Intel. and by the time bulldozer is out. it will be all rusted.. :banghead:

Bring out bulldozer. Make us happy
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~Technological Technocrat~
it doesnt help that Intel price their products so agressively. which makes the whole decision between AMD or Intel harder when it comes to picking a machine. & Since Intel is pretty out there with their marketing people will pick Intel because its a brand 99% of people know
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FreedomEclipseit doesnt help that Intel price their products so agressively. which makes the whole decision between AMD or Intel harder when it comes to picking a machine. & Since Intel is pretty out there with their marketing people will pick Intel because its a brand 99% of people know
why did you buy a Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83Ghz ?? just for the name ?? :) to be frank.. AMD is gamers choice and gamers want performance.. i can even buy a 980 if i want. but i wont buy intel just because i love AMD name.. thats all. the people who buy INTEL is after performance and AMD needs to release a powerful processor hmmm
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to those saying bulldozer new tech seem to forget amd ditched the FSB years ago Quick Path is intels version of hyper transport amd basically pioneerd 64bit computing for the consumer at the end of the day its all back and forth just intels always going to be goliath and amd is david problem is this a time a sling and a rock aint gonna cut it and my point here is for the oem and consumer at large the x6 1055T can beat the 920/930 i7 and the 1090T compares with the 940 / 950 i7s oems and regular consumers dont overclock what really does matter is price to performance but name and marketing make that apparent AMD dosent have the capital or ability aggressively market there products its why the A64 lost to the P4 years ago in sales even tho the A64 was superior its how the cookie crumbles we can squabble bicker and say they need to do this and need to do that well heres something to remember all that shit you want costs money for them to do and wheres that money coming from when they barely break even now after losing money for multiple years straight be happy that while they maybe have slipped a bit there now PROFITABLE people invest in PROFITABLE companies. end of the day .6% is tiny not even a full 1% so ill just walk away and say its nothing a months sales couldnt change and again its all speculative they say they lost a % here someone else will say they gained etc etc kind of like how PC gaming is dying yet they dont take digital sales into the equation

in its day the q9550 was a damn good cpu today its price is baffeling costing the same for the cpu as an i7 920/930 and nearly 2 x the price of a 945/955 from amd sometimes intel dosent make sense either but again marketing plays to there rythum and they keep making money :toast:
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~Technological Technocrat~
saikamaldosswhy did you buy a Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83Ghz ?? just for the name ??
Because I had a vision, a plan to build the most kick ass, the most insane like fucking chuck norris with nun-chucks for arms. kinda of a machine & despite the very late completetion of the build (probably just a little bit before all the talk about the i7's started to surface) - the Q9550 provided me with the best platform for what i wanted to do but I originally had the build come with a E7400, but I sold that to a mate before i even got to open the box
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btarunrBulldozer is a mirage. If they wanted to release it, there's no better time to do it than now. "Bulldozer is coming" has been the word since 2007, yet it was skipped for over three product generations, and the K10 was tweaked around a little.
Thats exactly what I am thinking too. If AMD really have a good weapon they would have launched it just before its previous death (which was somehome avoided). So there is something seriously wrong with BullDozer, may be some Bull hit the snooze button and it dozed off :laugh:
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The Lurker
crazyeyesreaperto those saying bulldozer new tech seem to forget amd ditched the FSB years ago Quick Path is intels version of hyper transport amd basically pioneerd 64bit computing for the consumer at the end of the day its all back and forth just intels always going to be goliath and amd is david problem is this a time a sling and a rock aint gonna cut it and my point here is for the oem and consumer at large the x6 1055T can beat the 920/930 i7 and the 1090T compares with the 940 / 950 i7s oems and regular consumers dont overclock what really does matter is price to performance but name and marketing make that apparent AMD dosent have the capital or ability aggressively market there products its why the A64 lost to the P4 years ago in sales even tho the A64 was superior its how the cookie crumbles we can squabble bicker and say they need to do this and need to do that well heres something to remember all that shit you want costs money for them to do and wheres that money coming from when they barely break even now after losing money for multiple years straight be happy that while they maybe have slipped a bit there now PROFITABLE people invest in PROFITABLE companies. end of the day .6% is tiny not even a full 1% so ill just walk away and say its nothing a months sales couldnt change and again its all speculative they say they lost a % here someone else will say they gained etc etc kind of like how PC gaming is dying yet they dont take digital sales into the equation

in its day the q9550 was a damn good cpu today its price is baffeling costing the same for the cpu as an i7 920/930 and nearly 2 x the price of a 945/955 from amd sometimes intel dosent make sense either but again marketing plays to there rythum and they keep making money :toast:
Not to be a grammar nazi or anything, but punctuation here would really help. I had a hard time following this. :slap:
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~Technological Technocrat~
suraswamiSo there is something seriously wrong with BullDozer, may be some Bull hit the snooze button and it dozed off :laugh:
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Not a Moderator
yea yea i know i know its the internet i forget proper english everytime i use it :roll:
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~Technological Technocrat~
crazyeyesreaperyea yea i know i know its the internet i forget proper english everytime i use it :roll:
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
erockerGo up and ask any non-tech savvy person a CPU manufacturer. Most likely they won't say AMD. AMD is something foreign to the masses who buy their computers from Dell and big box stores.
Agreed. When i first got into the whole PC hardware scene, that's when i discovered AMD. Before that i only heard of Intel, as i would see there commercial all the time and there stickers on essentially every computer i saw at the time.
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Another big problem for amd is the exclusivity arrangements intel has with shops. For example, media-saturn only sells intel, at least in spain.
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Block Caption of Rainey Street
I really don't think it means much, most of the people I meet in real life are pro Intel
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Intel will always be on top...I'm a project tech for major banks and companies in Canada and there isn't one company i've worked for that has ever installed a workstation with amd cpu's..but i will admit i do love amd GPU's
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FreedomEclipseBecause I had a vision, a plan to build the most kick ass, the most insane like fucking chuck norris with nun-chucks for arms. kinda of a machine & despite the very late completetion of the build (probably just a little bit before all the talk about the i7's started to surface) - the Q9550 provided me with the best platform for what i wanted to do but I originally had the build come with a E7400, but I sold that to a mate before i even got to open the box
Exactly.. :) everyone wants more and more power.. they try to save money to buy a powerful system and its performance that matters for most :)
Posted on Reply
That AMD/ATI merger really saved both of these companies. AMD needs better marketing, but it needs a better or equal product to Intel's. If Intel has the faster(fastest) processors they are just showing that they make better top quality products.

What are they going to make a commercial of there processor for people to see only to be hit back by a Intel commercial claiming that they are faster anway.

Kinda like this AT&T vs Verizon thing, except one actually isn't lying.
Posted on Reply
"I go fast!1!11!1!"
AMD doesn't even know the meaning of marketing. :(

Seriously, I think their position would be much better if they put serious effort into marketing (namely, TV ads). You don't need the best product in the world to have an effective ad campaign. I can't name the last time I saw an Intel ad brag about their performance. They're just clever and show what the company has accomplished (like the one about USB: ). Ads like that embed the brand into viewer's minds. Brand recognition sells products, no matter how good or bad they are.

AMD could easily make an ad about combining the power of AMD processors, AMD chipsets, and AMD graphics cards.
Posted on Reply
What a good thread, i can give my humble opinion from what i see here in argentina, AMD it's a really popular brand in the corporative-business area, retailers here offers really good deals with AMDs and especially Micro ATX with semprons LE and stuff like that, theyre cheap as hell and works for a lot of basic things. But yes, you are right about one thing, ask anyone outside the scene and they won't know what the hell AMD stands for, hell i've got some serious mindfucking responses like "Amd?? no no, i have windows" (i would love to say this is made up) i remember i had Intel cpu's forever 'till the 64 Athlon XP arrived and the it was all AMD for me, lower prices similar performance and well...ive stayed green from that day on ;D but, im not a fanboy, i allways had intels and now i own AMD, i think that the price-performance factor makes me go ATI nowadays, my Phenom II X3 720 it's the most clear example i can give about that, fits low budgets and hell does it works well!

It's a shame that the numbers show AMD loosing, here in my country i think the market it's REALLY different, money do count here, a lot and AMD being even a few dollars cheaper makes a LOT of difference.
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I tried educating more than one person about the merits of AMD over here, mostly when people asked me for builds, but it is a tough going. People buy what they know, and most people who buy computers don't really care about getting the best deal for the money - They want a purchase they are comfortable with. As a result, they have little problem spending 50-100$ more and getting an Intel system that doesn't necessarily perform better (Even if they know it!) but rather makes them more comfortable with the money spent. I think the market is even more one-sided over here.

Without advertising of the brand, AMD will not gain much in the way of market share.
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Wile E
Power User
RejZoRI was looking at new Phenom X6 processors + ASUS Crosshair IV is an excellent choice at the moment for high end systems for lower price.
For the cost of the 1090T and Crosshair 4, I could just buy X58 and a 920, get the same performance, but have more gfx options. X6 is a letdown. I'm really bummed out about it. I thought for sure it would be faster than i7 quads w/HT.
crazyeyesreaperto those saying bulldozer new tech seem to forget amd ditched the FSB years ago Quick Path is intels version of hyper transport amd basically pioneerd 64bit computing for the consumer at the end of the day its all back and forth just intels always going to be goliath and amd is david problem is this a time a sling and a rock aint gonna cut it and my point here is for the oem and consumer at large the x6 1055T can beat the 920/930 i7 and the 1090T compares with the 940 / 950 i7s oems and regular consumers dont overclock what really does matter is price to performance but name and marketing make that apparent AMD dosent have the capital or ability aggressively market there products its why the A64 lost to the P4 years ago in sales even tho the A64 was superior its how the cookie crumbles we can squabble bicker and say they need to do this and need to do that well heres something to remember all that shit you want costs money for them to do and wheres that money coming from when they barely break even now after losing money for multiple years straight be happy that while they maybe have slipped a bit there now PROFITABLE people invest in PROFITABLE companies. end of the day .6% is tiny not even a full 1% so ill just walk away and say its nothing a months sales couldnt change and again its all speculative they say they lost a % here someone else will say they gained etc etc kind of like how PC gaming is dying yet they dont take digital sales into the equation

in its day the q9550 was a damn good cpu today its price is baffeling costing the same for the cpu as an i7 920/930 and nearly 2 x the price of a 945/955 from amd sometimes intel dosent make sense either but again marketing plays to there rythum and they keep making money :toast:
Can we get a retype, preferably with some punctuation? lol

I just can't bring myself to read a giant wall of text like that.
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