Monday, August 22nd 2011

Gamescom News Post Rekindles GTX 590 Successor Rumors

When NVIDIA responded to AMD's Radeon HD 6990 dual-GPU graphics cards with a dual-GPU card of its own, the GeForce GTX 590, it ended up with a disputable performance lead, enough for both GPU vendors to claim that theirs is the fastest graphics card in the market, backed by reviews or specific tests that suit them. There really is no answer to what is the fastest reference-design graphics card that commands a three-figure price. There have been rumors that NVIDIA is planning to address this with a new dual-GPU graphics card. An older report called the new card a mere revision of the GTX 590, though it's now emerging that the new card could get a new SKU name.

A Slovenian gaming news site that looked into some of the PCs running Battlefield 3 at Gamescom mentioned the name "GTX 595". This couldn't have been in error, because the site goes on to mention that the GTX 595 is "a dual-GPU card that is not yet out," adding that "NVIDIA provide[ed] special drivers for EA gamescom to improve a little gaming experience (and probably reduce bugs )." Those could have been early drivers that can run the card. According to older reports, the idea behind GTX 595 (as it's now being referred to), is to strengthen the VRM circuitry of GTX 590, to perhaps facilitate higher clock speeds, and try to create a clear performance lead over Radeon HD 6990. Nothing else is known about the GTX 595 at this point. In our opinion, Battlefield 3 launch (late October) could serve as a good launchpad for a new high-end SKU.
Source: Somua
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26 Comments on Gamescom News Post Rekindles GTX 590 Successor Rumors

the54thvoidIt would still suck a mountain of power though, wouldn't it? And then the heat, and noise. Don't get me wrong, I love when Nvidia turn things around (480 into 580 as an example) but I just can't see it being a 'nice' card. It'd be like taking that beautiful but ultimately very dirty looking girlfriend back home to meet the parents and you just know they're thinking, "she's a hooker". The 595 is going to be a dirty hooker alright.
SIGN ME UP what's the issue? LOL
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